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Our Five Strategic Science Themes

view of the earth from the moon

Planetary Science

Planetary science seeks to answer some of life’s biggest questions - why are we here, how did life evolve, and are we alone? This theme will seek to engage students and the public in geology as seen through the lens of other planets and rocky bodies.

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Erupting Volcano

Geohazards, Geoengineering & Georesilience

Risk to both humans and their natural environment increase as the population grows. Earth science research can help to minimise these risks.

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Aerial from industry in the Eemshaven Delftzijl in the Netherlands with wind turbines

Energy Transition

The Earth sciences play a pivotal role in the shift to a low/neutral carbon economy, driving research, educating, and supporting communication with relevant communities.

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view of mountain range in various colours from above

Digital Geoscience

Big data and advanced computing techniques are becoming increasingly important to research and practice in the geosciences. Many of the techniques currently being developed and refined will prove to have utility across different Earth science disciplines.

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river winding through a forest

Climate & Ecology

Climate change is a defining issue for our time. The geological record contains abundant evidence of the ways in which Earth’s climate has changed in the past. That evidence is highly relevant to understanding how it may change in the future.

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