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Equal Opportunities Statement

The Geological Society has a responsibility to ensure that individuals are valued, treated with dignity and respect and that discrimination has no place within the geosciences. The Society aims to be representative of and welcoming towards all sections of society.

This statement has been written in line with the provisions set out in the UK Equality Act 2010 and the Science Council’s Declaration on delivering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. As the Society is a membership organisation with members from around the world, we recognise and uphold the principles of fairness and equality set out in the following internationally recognised agreements: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The Society expects all Fellows and accredited institutions to abide by these principles.

The Geological Society is committed to:

Fostering an inclusive culture that promotes equity, values diversity and maintains a harmonious inclusive environment in which the rights and dignity of all its Fellows, Candidate Fellows, visitors, and staff are respected.

Welcoming applicants for Fellowship, employment, awards, and grants from all who are suitably qualified regardless of age, disability, ethnicity or national origins, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Ensuring that all members and prospective members of the geological community are treated solely based on their merits, abilities and potential without being subject to discrimination or unfavourable treatment because of a protected characteristic.

Providing and promoting a positive working, learning and social environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination and any form of harassment, bullying, victimisation or persecution.

This statement applies to Fellows, Candidate Fellows, applicants for Fellowship, Award & Grant applicants & recipients, job applicants, employees, visitors, and anyone acting on behalf of the Society.

All are expected to respect and act in accordance with the principles set out in this statement. Breach of these principles is a serious offence and could result in disciplinary action. Allegations of improper behaviour will be investigated in accordance with the Society’s Employee Handbook and/or Code of Conduct respectively.

If you are interested in finding our more about any aspect of equity, diversity, and inclusion at The Geological Society please contact