Murchison Fund
The Murchison Fund is awarded to contributors to the Earth Sciences on the basis of noteworthy published research in 'hard' rock studies (as defined by the Murchison Medal).
This Fund is awarded to early career geoscientists who have made excellent contributions to geoscience research and its application, in the UK and internationally. Recipients must be within ten years (full-time equivalent) of the award of their first degree in geoscience or a cognate subject.
The Fund is accompanied by the award of £500.
Past winners
2024 Lara Mani2023 Penny Wieser
2022 Simon Matthews
2021 Andrew Thomson
2020 Alexander Dunhill
2019 Jonathan Pownall
2018 George Cooper
2017 Sami Mikhail
2016 Craig Magee
2015 Sebastian Watt
2014 Katherine Joy
2013 Alison Rust
2012 Russell Wynn
2011 Sarah Sherlock
2009 Howard Falcon-Lang
2008 Arwen Deuss
2007 Glenn Antony Milne
2006 Dougal Alexander Jerram
2005 Peter Dominic Clift
2004 Kenneth John Wilson McCaffrey
2002 Philip Conrad James Donoghue
1999 Nicholas Petford
1998 Jonathan David Blundy
1997 Timothy Harvey Druitt
1996 Marion Barbara Holness
1995 Timothy John Barrington Holland
1994 Graham Barry Shimmield
1993 Michael Anthony Lovell
1992 Kenneth Ronald McClay
1991 Donald Herbert William Hutton
1990 D G Smith
1989 A Mackenzie
1988 A D Saunders
1987 R J Howarth
1986 Colin McClellan Graham
1985 Jane Anne Plant
1984 Nigel Howard Woodcock
1983 Geoffrey Charles Brown
1982 Richard Barrie Rickards
1981 Andrew Harry Gordon Mitchell
1980 Michael Peter Coward
1979 John Tamey
1978 William David Ian Rolfe
1977 John Charles Mowbray Taylor
1976 Anthony Leonard Harris
1975 Richard Curtis Selley
1974 Denys Barker Smith
1973 Frank Moseley
1972 Harold Gamar Reading
1971 John Frederick Dewey
1970 Arthur Clive Bishop
1969 Anthony Hallam
1968 Ronald Keith Harrison
1967 Frederick Weir Dunning
1966 John Graham Ramsay
1965 Isles Strachan
1964 Rupert William Roye Rutland
1963 Edward Howell Francis
1962 Frank Hodson
1961 Jack Ineson
1960 Derek Victor Ager
1959 Desmond Thomas Donovan
1958 Geoffrey Bond
1957 John Weaver Pallister
1956 William Walker Black
1955 Raymond Casey
1954 Nancy Kirk
1953 Cameron Darrell Ovey
1952 Norman Leslie Falcon
1951 Thomas Deans
1950 Henry Dighton Thomas
1949 Stuart Olof Agrell
1948 Fredrick Wolverson Cope
1947 Duncan Leitch
1946 Alan Wood
1945 William Alexander Deer
1944 Gerald Murray Stockley
1943 Arthur George Davis
1942 Kingsley Charles Dunham
1941 John Weir
1940 Archibald Gordon MacGregor
1939 Arthur Lennox Coulson
1938 Frank Coles Philips
1937 Stephen Henry Straw
1936 Emily Dix
1935 John Vemon Harrison
1934 John Wilfred Jackson
1933 Talbot Haes Whitehead
1932 Alfred Kingsley Wells
1931 Cyril James Stubblefield
1930 John Smith
1929 Leslie Reginald Cox
1928 George Slater
1927 Sidney Henry Haughton
1926 William Sawney Bisat
1925 Arthur E Trueman
1924 Leonard Frank Spath
1923 Thomas H Withers
1922 Herbert Bolton
1921 Albert Gilligan
1920 David Woolacott
1919 Eleanor Mary Reid
1918 Thomas Crook
1917 William Mackie
1916 George Walter Tyrell
1915 David Cledlyn Evans
1914 Frederick Nairn Haward
1913 Ernest E L Dixon
1912 Arthur Morley Davies
1911 Edgar Sterling Cobbold
1910 John Walker Sather
1909 James Vincent Elsden
1908 Ethel Gertrude Skeat
1907 Felix Oswald
1906 Herbert Lapworth
1905 Herbert Lister Bowman
1904 Arthur Hutchinson
1903 Elizabeth Gray
1902 Thomas H Holland
1901 Thomas S Hall
1900 A Vaughan Jennings
1899 James Bennie
1898 Jane Donald
1897 Sydney S Buckman
1896 Phillip Lake
1895 Albert Charles Seward
1894 George Barrow
1893 Griffith John Williams
1892 Beeby Thomas
1891 Richard Baron
1890 Edward B Wethered
1889 Grenville A J Cole
1888 Edward Wilson
1887 Robert Kidston
1886 Clement Reid
1885 Horace B Woodward
1884 Martin Simpson
1883 John Young
1882 Thomas Rupert Jones
1881 Frank Rutley
1880 Robert Etheridge
1879 James Walker Kirkby
1878 Charles Lapworth
1877 John F Blake
1876 James Croll
1875 H Govier Seeley
1874 Ralph Tate
1874 Alfred Bell
1873 Oswald Heer