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Prestwich Medal

The Prestwich Medal of the Geological Society will be awarded to persons ‘who shall have done well for the advancement of the science of geology’

Prestwich Medal

Prestwich MedalThe Prestwich Medal will be awarded every three years to persons 'who shall have done well for the advancement of the science of geology'.

It was established under the will of Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812–1896); however, the bequest was not payable until after the death of Lady Prestwich in 1899.

Past winners

2023 Teal Riley
2021 Sanjeev Gupta
2020 Kristján Saemundsson
2019 Anthony Barber
2018 Jan Zalasiewicz
2016 Henry Emeleus
2015 Alastair Robertson
2014 Max Coleman
2010 Peter Furneaux Friend
2007 Frederick Vine 
2005 Geoffrey Russell Coope
2002 Adrian William Amsler Rushton 
1999 Claude Jaupart
1996 Christine Mary Rutherford Fowler
1993 Henry Elderfield
1990 William James Kennedy
1987 Claud William Wright
1984 Charles Downie
1981 Harold Garnar Reading
1979 Ian Graham Gass
1976 Walter William Bishop
1972 Richard Foster Flint 
1969 Mary Douglas Leakey
1969 Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey
1966 Dennis Curry
1963 Kenneth Page Oakley
1960 Vivian Fuchs
1957 John Kaye Charlesworth
1954 Frederick William Shotton
1951 Harry Godwin
1948 Henri Breuil
1945 (Publications)
1942 Alfred Santer Kennard
1939 Samuel Hazzledine Warren
1936 (Publications)
1933 (Publications)
1930 (Publications)
1927 (Publications)
1924 (Publications)
1921 (Publications)
1918 William Boyd Dawkins
1915 Emile Cartailhac
1912 (Library extension)
1909 Lady (John) Evans
1906 William Whitaker
1903 John Lubbock, Baron Avebury