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Wollaston Fund

The Wollaston Fund of the Geological Society is awarded to contributors to the Earth Sciences on the basis of noteworthy published research in either or both 'pure' and 'applied' aspects of the science

Wollaston Fund

The Wollaston Fund is awarded to contributors to the Earth Sciences on the basis of noteworthy published research in either or both 'pure' and 'applied' aspects of the science (as defined by the Wollaston Medal).

This Fund is awarded to early career geoscientists who have made excellent contributions to geoscience research and its application, in the UK and internationally. Recipients must be within ten years (full-time equivalent) of the award of their first degree in geoscience or a cognate subject.

The Fund is accompanied by the award of £500.

Past winners

2024 Jennifer Jenkins
2023 Emily Swaby
2022 Anna Joy Drury
2021 Emma Liu
2020 Andrew Newton
2019 Andrew Parsons
2018 Owen Weller
2017 Russell Garwood
2016 Mitchall D'Arcy
2015 Stefanie Hautmann
2014 Craig Barrie 
2013 James Wookey
2012 Bridget Wade
2011 Heiko Pälike
2008 Sanjeev Gupta
2007 Colin Grant Macpherson
2006 Gideon Mark Henderson
2004 Martin Phillip Hand
2003 David Graham Pearson 
2002 Richard Henry Worden
2001 David Prior
2000 John Richard Underhill
1999 [Not awarded]
1998 David Alan Rothery
1997 Jan Alexander
1996 Gillian Margaret Harwood
1995 Robert William Hope Butler
1994 Ernest Henry Rutter
1993 David Andrew Charles Manning
1992 Robert John Knipe
1991 Peter Turner
1990 Andrew C Morton
1989 Gordon B Curry
1988 John P Platt
1987 Graham Dennis Williams
1986 Richard Alan Fortey
1985 John Anthony Dawson Dickson
1984 Ian Nicholas McCave
1983 Roger Anderton
1982 Hugh Crawford Jenkyns
1981 John William Murray
1980 Richard Hugh Sibson
1979 Nicholas John Shackleton
1978 David John James Kinsman
1977 Richard Henry Sillitoe
1976 William Gilbert Chaloner
1975 Derek John Blundell
1974 Douglas Anthony Bassett
1973 Pamela Lamplugh Robinson
1972 Walter Mykura
1971 Raymond John Adie
1970 Drummond Hoyle Matthews
1969 Michael Geoffrey Audley-Charles
1968 Stephen Moorbath
1967 Arthur Harold Barton Stride
1966 Eileen Mary Guppy
1965 Harold William Ball
1964 Michael Robert House
1963 George Malcolm Brown
1962 Rudolf Geoffrey Waldemar Brunstrom
1961 Ewart Albert Vincent
1960 Michael Anthony Calver
1959 Martin Harold Phillips Bott
1958 William Manson & R J A Eckford
1957 John Rowland Earp
1956 Walter Brian Harland
1955 James Marmaduke Edmonds
1954 Vernon Wilson
1953 Peter Colley Sylvester-Bradley
1952 Christopher T A Gaster
1951 Arthur Greig
1950 Geoffrey Arthur Kellaway
1949 Edgar C Martin
1948 John Graham Comrie Anderson
1947 Austin William Woodland
1946 James Livingstone Begg
1945 Donald Robert Grantham
1944 Albert John Brighton
1943 Ethel Dobbie Currie
1942 Edwin Sherbon Hills
1941 Kenneth Page Oakley
1940 Dorothea M A Bate
1939 Ivan Sydney Double
1938 Henry Francis Harwood
1937 Donald Parkinson
1936 George Hoole Mitchell
1935 William Joscelyn Arkell
1934 William Richard Jones
1933 Arthur Wrigley
1932 Ernest Neaverson
1931 Robert George Spencer Hudson
1930 Ernest George Radley
1929 Robert Campbell
1928 James Wright
1927 Marjorie E J Chandler
1926 Arthur L Leach
1925 Alfred Brammall
1924 Cecil Edgar Tilley
1923 Herbert Harold Read
1922 Leonard Johnston Wills
1921 Thomas O Bosworth
1920 William B R King
1919 Alander Logie du Toit
1918 Albert Ernest Kitson
1917 Percy G H Boswell
1916 William Bourke Wright
1915 Charles Bertie Wedd
1914 Richard Bullen Newton
1913 William Wickham King
1912 Charles Irving Gardiner
1911 Owen Thomas Jones
1910 Edward Battersby Bailey
1909 Arthur J C Molyneux
1908 Herbert Henry Thomas
1907 Arthur Vaughan
1906 Finlay Lorimer Kitchin
1905 H H Arnold-Bemrose
1904 Ethel M R Wood
1903 L L Belinfante
1902 Leonard James Spencer
1901 Arthur Walton Rowe
1900 George Thurland Prior
1899 John B Harrison
1898 Edmund J Garwood
1897 Francis Arthur Bather
1896 Alfred Harker
1895 William Whitehead Watts
1894 Aubrey Strahan
1893 John George Goodchild
1892 Orville Adelbert Derby
1891 Richard Lydekker
1890 William A E Ussher
1889 Arthur Smith Woodward
1888 John Home
1887 Benjamin Neeve Peach
1886 J Starkie Gardner
1885 Charles Callaway
1884 Edwin Tulley Newton
1883 John Milne
1882 George Jennings Hinde
1881 Ramsay Heatley Traquair
1880 Thomas Davies
1879 Samuel Allport
1878 William J Sollas
1877 Robert Etheridge Jnr
1876 Giuseppe Seguenza
1875 Louis C Miall
1874 Henri Nyst
1873 John Wesley Judd
1872 James Croll
1871 Robert Etheridge
1870 Marie Rouault
1869 William Carruthers
1868 J Bosquet
1867 W H Bailey
1866 Henry Woodward
1865 J W Salter
1864 G P Deshayes
1863 Ferdinand Senft
1862 Oswald Heer
1861 Auguste Daubree
1860 T Rupert Jones W K Parker
1859 Charles Peach
1858 James Hall
1857 Samuel P Woodward
1856 G P Deshayes
1855 G Sandberger, F Sandberger
1854 Samuel P Woodward
1853 L G de Koninck
1852 John Morris
1851 Joachim Barrande
1850 John Morris
1849 William Lonsdale
1848 Cape of Good Hope Fossils, Alcide d’Orbigny
1847 Alcide d’Orbigny
1846 William Lonsdale
1845 Geddes Bain
1844 William Lonsdale
1843 John Morris
1842 John Morris
1841 Edward Forbes
1840 J De Carle Sowerby
1839 C H Enberg
1838 Richard Owen
1836 G P Deshayes
1835 Gideon A Mantell
1834 Louis Agassiz
1833 William Lonsdale
1831 William Smith