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Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh


Our Dynamic Earth

Hunkered down under Salisbury Crags and Author’s seat, in the heart of Edinburgh, Our Dynamic Earth is a unique visitor attraction – telling the story of the processes that have shaped our planet. 

Our Dynamic Earth

Much of the story is told through a suite of interactive exhibits housed in underground halls, with visitors entering from the dramatic open-plan upper floor. The grounds of the centre include rock slabs that provide snap-shots of Scotland’s three billion year geological history. 

As well as informing about earth and environmental science, the centre also places this knowledge in a historical context, especially celebrating the pioneering role of James Hutton and Edinburgh’s enlightenment in the 18th century.

Our Dynamic Earth opened in 1999, with Millennium Commission funding. Its radical design was an early project for the leading British firm, Hopkins Architects. The centre is fully wheelchair accessible.

Text courtesy of Prof Rob Butler

100 Great Geosites

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Images (top to bottom):
  • Our Dynamic Earth © Mike Pennington (source Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license
  • Geological Globe © Our Dynamic Earth
Earth Science Week

ESW no date badge 2018
October 13 - 21
Theme: 'Earth Science in our lives'