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The Wrekin

Shropshire, England

The Wrekin

The Wrekin is not only a significant geological site in its own right, being a clearly defined hill area comprising some of the oldest volcanic rocks in England, but it gives a splendid overview of the surrounding countryside. In particular the Ordnance Survey National Grid 10km square in which it stands embraces arguable the most the most varied 100 square kilometers of geology in the World in terms of its variety of rock type, age and structure from Pre-Cambrian to Quaternary.

The WrekinAdditionally this variety is clearly demonstrated in the views from the hill of both the natural and manmade landscape. Almost every topographical feature reflects distinctive changes in rock type and structure whilst the economic importance of its minerals all found in close proximity, led to development of Ironbridge as the "Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution".

The wider view encompases an even greater picture of age and variety of rock, from the Cotswolds to Snowdonia, as the hill stands adjacent to the Church Stretton fault, largely marking the boundary between upland and lowland Britain.

Text: Andrew Jenkinson

Nominated by: Andrew Jenkinson, Shropshire Geological Society

100 Great Geosites

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Images © Andrew Jenkinson, Shropshire Geological Society

Earth Science Week

ESW no date badge 2018
October 13 - 21
Theme: 'Earth Science in our lives'