Engineering Group Committee
Elected members
- James Todd
- Emma Singleton
- Steph Boffey-Rawlings
- Dave Ingram
- Josh Dunlop
- Helen Reeves (IAEG)
- Frankie Sykes
- Chris Jack
- Mike Blakely
- Saskia Elliot
- Amelia Standen
- Melody Wareing
- Paul Fish
- Hannah Newey
- Luke Johnstone
Representative members
- David Giles RoGEP, QRA, Ground Engineering Advisory Board, Annual Conference
subcommittee, field trip
- Paul Jennings (Library Users Group)
- Tracey Radford (Medals and Awards)
- Ursula Lawrence (Working parties and QJEGH; Groundwater; Impact of Weathering on
Engineering Geology (Chair))
- Chris Martin (Offshore & Nearshore WP Eng Geol Chair)
- Phil Raybould (Applied Petrography Group)