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Nearshore and coastal engineering geology, geomorphology and geohazards

New EGGS Steering Group on 'Nearshore and Coastal Engineering Geology, Geomorphology and Geohazards'

The Offshore Engineering Geology, Geomorphology and Geohazards Working Party (OEGGG WP) is progressing well, with a plan for substantive completion of the Special Publication (SPE) in 2021 and publication in 2022.

Whilst the OEGGG WP has focused on providing industry best practice guidance to develop ground models in the offshore environment (nominally >10m water depth), it has become increasingly apparent that the geotechnical community would benefit from a companion report to provide guidance on working in the adjacent nearshore and coastal zone. EGGS is therefore interested in gauging opinions and starting to develop an SPE Publication Proposal through the formation of a dedicated Steering Group (SG).

It is anticipated that the resulting SPE would provide guidance on developing ground models in the nearshore and coastal environment, including the design and implementation of holistic site investigations in this complex tidally influenced zone. Whilst the lowest considered water depth of 10m will be set to align with the companion Offshore EGGG Report, the landward limit is still to be defined by the SG. The resulting guidance should be appropriate to support a wide range of engineering applications including coastal developments, coastal landslides and other geohazards, pipeline/cable landfalls, coastal protection works, maritime jetties, piers, breakwaters, etc. This zone is deemed to be particularly susceptible to the physical impacts of potential future climate change, including rising sea-levels, storm surges, coastal erosion and inundation.
The SG and resulting WP would seek contributions from a wide range of engineering consultants, contractors, client organizations and academia. As a WP of the Geological Society of London, it is anticipated that the SPE would have a UK focus and a predominantly UK based membership, however it would be expected to draw upon the expertise of its members to provide an element of global coverage (yet to be defined by the SG).

Please contact if you have any suggestions or would be interested in contributing.