UK University Departments and Courses
- Birmingham - MSc Hydrogeology
- Imperial College - Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
- Newcastle - Hydrogeology and Water Management
- Sheffield - Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group
- Strathclyde - MSc Hydrogeology
- UCL - Hydrogeology Research
- UEA - Hydrogeology Research
Professional Associations and Forums
- IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists
- UK Groundwater Forum
- UK Groundwater Modellers' Forum
- US National Groundwater Association
Research Organisations and Groups
- British Geological Survey - Groundwater Science
- Geological Survey of Northern Ireland
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Hydrogeology Group
- NERC - Natural Environment Research Council
- SNIFFER - Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum For Environmental Research
- UKWIR - UK Water Industry Research
- United States Geological Survey - Water Resources
- CSIRO – Groundwater Hydrology
Regulatory Bodies
- EA - Environment Agency of England and Wales
- EA Publications
- Natural Resources Wales
- Northern Ireland Environment Agency
- SEPA - Scottish Environment Agency
- US Environmental Protection Agency