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Acknowledgements and bibliography

Thanks to Dr Peter Riches, the British Geological Survey, the Geologists’ Association and Mary Harris.

Maria Graham

Broderip, W J, Letter to William Buckland, 21 July 1834. In the personal collection of Dr Peter Riches, FGS.

Callcott, Mrs, 'Letter to the President and Members of the Geological Society in answer to certain observations contained in Mr Greenough's Anniversary Address of 1834', London: T Brettell (1834).

Graham, Maria, Journal of a residence in Chile, during the year 1822 : and a voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823’ (1824).

Graham, Maria, “An Account of some Effects of the late Earthquakes in Chili”, Transactions of the Geological Society of London, second series, vol 5 (1824), pp413-415.  

Greenough, G B, 'Anniversary Address of the President', (1834), Geological Society Archives, ref: LDGSL/947/2/2.

Kölbl-Ebert, M, “Observing Oregeny: Maria Graham's account of the earthquake in Chile in 1822”, Episodes, vol 22 (1999), pp36-40.

Lyell, Charles, Letter to Roderick Murchison, 15 March 1834, Murchison collection, Geological Society Archives ref: LDGSL/838/L/17/16.

Mitchell, Rosemary, “Callcott [née Dundas; other married name Graham], Maria, Lady Callcott (1785-1842)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004.

Thompson, Carl, “Earthquakes and Petticoats: Maria Graham, Geology, and Early Nineteenth-Century ‘Polite’ Science”, Journal of Victorian Culture, Volume 17, Issue 3, September 2012, pp 329-346.

Margaret Crosfield

Obituary, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, vol 64 (1953), pp62-63.

Burek, C V, “The first female Fellows and the status of women in the Geological Society of London”, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol 317 (2009), pp373-407.

Burek, C V and J A Malpas, “Rediscovering and conserving the Lower Palaeozoic ‘treasures’ of Ethel Woods (neé Skeat) and Margaret Crosfield in northeast Wales”, in  BUREK, C. V. & HIGGS, B. (eds) The Role of Women in the History of Geology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 281, pp203-226.

E E S Brown albums. Geologists' Association, held by the British Geological Survey.

Carreck archive, Geologists’ Association, held by the British Geological Survey.

Crosfield archive, Geological Society Archive, ref: LDGSL/337.

Crosfield/Woods archive, British Geological Survey.

Crosfield, M C & E G Skeat, “On the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Carmarthen”, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol 52 (1896), pp523-541.

Geological Society, Records of the Special General Meetings, Geological Society Archive, ref: GSL/SGM.

Woods, E G & M C Crosfield, “The Silurian Rocks of the Central Part of the Clwydian Range”, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol 81 (1925), pp170-194.

Elizabeth Alexander

Alexander archive, Geological Society Archive, ref: LDGSL/38.

Alexander FES. ‘Report on the availability of granite on Singapore and the surrounding islands’. Singapore: Government Publications Bureau, 1950.

Alexander FES. "Observations on tropical weathering: a study of the movement of iron, aluminium and silicon in weathering rocks at Singapore", Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol 115 (1959), pp123–144.

Harris, Mary, "Rocks, radio and radar: Elizabeth Alexander and the DSIR Radio Development Laboratory, 1942–1945", Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2017, DOI:10.1080/03036758.2017.1291437.

Harris, Mary, 'Rocks Radio and Radar: The Extraordinary Scientific, Social and Military Life of Elizabeth Alexander', History of Modern Physical Sciences: Volume 4, World Scientific Publishing Ltd, 2019.

Janet Watson

Barrett, ‘Women at Imperial College: past, present and future,’ World Scientific Publishing Ltd, 2017.

Bowes, D R, "Janet Watson: an appreciation" in Park, R G & J Tarney (eds), 'Evolution of the Lewisian and Comparable Precambrian High Grade Terrains', Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol 27 (1987), pp1-5.

Fettes, D J & J A Plant, "Janet Watson", Biographical Memoirs of the Fellow of the Royal Society, vol 41 (1995), pp501-514.

Shackleton, Robert M, Obituary of Janet Watson, Geological Society Annual Report, 1985, pp35-37.

Shackleton, Robert M, 'Watson [married name Sutton], Janet Vida (1923–1985)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004.

Sutton, J & J Watson, “The pre-Torridonian metamorphic history of the Loch Torridon and Scourie areas in the North-West Highlands, and its bearing on the chronological classification of the Lewisian”, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol 106 (1950), pp241-307.

Watson, J, “Late Sillimanite in the migmatites of Kildonan, Sutherland”, Geological Magazine, vol 85 (1948), pp149-162.

Watson archive, Geological Society Archives, ref: LDGSL/1078.