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Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Strategy


Our mission is to recognise, promote, and support our community, and celebrate the innovation and creativity Geoscience offers for the benefit of society. As such, we recognise the importance of representing and broadening the wide range of backgrounds, talents, and experiences within our Fellowship. 

We wish to publicly state our ambition to improve our efforts to promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility at the Society and throughout the wider community, bringing a renewed desire to be more proactive and courageous. We are committing ourselves to increasing diversity throughout the science by embedding the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) into all our activities, encouraging the participation of all, irrespective of background. 

We want to drive systemic change and foster a more diverse and inclusive Geoscience community, where everybody feels included and can participate in and contribute to the advancement of the science. 

Building on our existing work, we have developed an EDIA strategy setting out our vision for how the Society will advance equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for the Geoscience community. 

Read our full EDIA Strategy.