Bye-law 6.22 gives Council authority to make and amend Regulations.
Council agreed a comprehensive revision to the Regulations in June 2010 and further changes will be introduced in the light of working practice.
Listed below are the Regulations and the date on which they were agreed by Council.
Hard copies are available for inspection in the Library.
- R/G/1: Schedule of Regulations (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/2: Legal Title (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/3: Charter, Bye-laws and Regulations: Compliance (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/4: Officers (Agreed 26 June 2013)
- R/G/5: Titles of Secretaries (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/6: Council Meetings (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/7: Standing Committees of Council (Agreed 17 June 2015)
- R/G/8: Standing Committee Sub-Structure (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/9: Elections Committee (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/10: Election of Council Members and Officers (Agreed 17 September 2019)
- R/G/11: Identification of the President-designate (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/12: Identification of Treasurer-Designate (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/13: Meetings of the Geological Society (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/14: Award of Society Medals & Funds (Agreed 18 September 2018 with revised Annex B)
- R/G/15: Award of Society Research Grants (Agreed 28 November 2012)
- R/G/16: Use of the Common Seal (Agreed 20 September 2016)
- R/G/17: Publications (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/G/18: Standard Operating Procedures (Agreed 16 June 2010)
Fellowship and Professional
- R/FP/1 Nomination Election of New Fellows (Agreed 22 September 2021)
- R/FP/2: Criteria and Procedure for Validation as a Chartered Geologist (Agreed 10 July 2024)
- R/FP/3: Rules for Candidate Fellows and Junior Candidate Fellows (Agreed 22 September 2021)
- R/FP/4: Nomination and Election of Honorary Fellows (Agreed 27 November 2013)
- R/FP/5: Appeal Procedures (Agreed 27 November 2013)
- R/FP/6: Investigation of Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures (Agreed 25 November 2015)
- R/FP/7: Codes of Conduct (Agreed 17 June 2020)
- R/FP/8: Accreditation of Degrees (Agreed 27 November 2013) - This regulation is currently in the process of being updated
- R/FP/9: Subscription and Fees (Agreed 22 September 2021)
- R/FP/10: Election and Renewal of the Title of European Geologist (Agreed 22 September 2021)
- R/FP/11: Criteria and Procedure for Chartered Scientist (Agreed 10 July 2024)
- R/FP/12: Corporate Affiliates (Agreed 16 June 2010)
- R/FP/13: Continuing Professional Development (Agreed 22 September 2021)