To ensure the efficient management of the Society.
Terms of Reference
- To advise Council on all matters relating to staff, including staffing levels, structure, conditions of service, recruitment and remuneration.
- To oversee information and communications technology provision and infrastructure
- To oversee management of the Society's premises and other housekeeping matters.
- To advise Council on matters of health and safety, and to ensure that the Society adheres to appropriate health and safety standards.
The President will chair the meeting of Officers. Membership will consist of all Officers plus the President-designate when applicable. Officers serve throughout their terms of office. The secretariat will be provided by the Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will attend meetings of Officers. Other members of the management team will attend by invitation.
Method of Working
The Officers will usually meet prior to Council to discuss HR, IT/IS, H&S and other premises matters.
Group Members
- Prof Jon Gluyas (President)
Other officers
- Dr Neil Frewin (Secretary, Professional Matters)
- Mr Martin Griffin (Vice President, EDIA)
- Dr Jennie Gilbert (Secretary, Science)
- Dr Michael Kehinde MBE (Secretary, Foreign & External Affairs)
- Prof Dan Le Heron (Secretary, Publications)
- Dr Keith Myers (Treasurer)
- Ms Gemma Sherwood (Vice President - Regional Groups)
In attendance
- Simon Thompson (Chief Executive)
- Ms Christina Marron (Executive Assistant)
- Mr Michael Clayton (Director of Finance & Operations)