The Publications and Information Committee Reports to Council.
- To promote awareness and accessibility of published and acquired physical and electronic resources for the Earth science community.
- To enhance and promote the Library's historical, archive and e-resource collections.
- To ensure the library's collections reflect the continuing professional development, research and practice needs of the Fellowship.
- To publish and distribute relevant, high quality, peer-reviewed Earth science literature in a timely and affordable manner, and in so-doing maximise publishing revenues for the Society. To maintain oversight of publishing technologies to ensure delivery, production and dissemination of content to the required standards.
- To ensure publication practices meet the highest ethical stands, and to act as final arbiter in case of any disputes with authors, editors or referees.
- To ensure the most effective utilisation of customer and user data and communications technologies in the promotion and sale of new products and service.
- To monitor provision of internal IT services in the Publishing House and Library and advise Council on strategic IT investment decisions as affect these areas.
- To liaise with the Science and External Relations Committee such that publishing, library and information services strategy is aligned with the Society's science and external relations policies.
- To provide Council with advice on staffing levels, priorities and morale.
Terms of Reference
- Ensure publishing and library activity is planned in accordance with the Society's strategic priorities, and in line with financial objectives.
- Advise Council and Standing Committees on matters relating to the development of the Society's publishing, library and information services.
- Review the Library's Collection Development Policy on acquisitions, preservation and disposals, and the management of its Archive.
- Ensure that developing publishing and information technologies are reflecting Society's services to Fellows, subscribers and service users.
- Provide oversight of the scientific quality of the Society's published output.
- Establish Terms of Reference, membership and accountabilities for its Reporting Committees and appoint journal Chief Editors.
- Encourage the long term integration of publishing, library and information services wherever possible.
The PIC is chaired by the Secretary (Publications)
- The Committee is comprised Council members plus other Fellows with publishing, library, financial experience or significant knowledge or experience of electronic information services.
- Due regard is given to the need to ensure continuity, a range or expertise and the balance of representation of authors, researchers and library service users, and of the wide range of geoscientists and those with other related interests.
- External consultants may also be appointed and their time charged to the Society.
- Council approves membership annually
Staff attendance
The Chief Executive Officer, Director of Publishing and Director for Operations, attend meetings of the Committee and, by invitation, Library and Information Services Manager, Head of Sales, Marketing and Distribution, Commissioning Editor and Head of Production.Secretariat
The secretariat is provided by the Director of Publishing.Method of working
- There will be at least three in-person meetings of the Committee per year, normally in preparation for a forthcoming Council meeting.
- The meetings take place at Burlington House or in Bath.
- Between meetings Committee business is conducted by email.
- The Committee establishes sub-Committees and Editorial Boards as required (see below)
Reporting Committees
Books Editorial Committee
The BEC is chaired by a member of the Publications Information Committee and comprises a group of editors and advisors whose experience covers a broad range of Earth science topics. It expedites publishing decisions and ensures that high scientific quality of Society book titles is maintained at all times. The BEC meets as required, but at least once each year in conjunction with one of the Publications and Information Committee meetings. Between meetings the Committee conducts normal business by email.
Journal of the Geological Society
The JGS Board is chaired by the Editor-in-Chief who, in turn, appoints an Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Society. The Board is concerned primarily with quality control and the refereeing of submitted articles. The Board meets as required, but with at least one in-person meeting per year. The Editor-in-Chief is a member of the Publications Information Committee. Day to day running of the journal is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, assisted by the relevant Journal Manager.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
The QJEGH Board is chaired by the Editor-in-Chief who, in turn, appoints an Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Society. The Board is concerned primarily with quality control and the refereeing of submitted articles. The Board meets as required, but with at least one in-person meeting per year. The Editor-in-Chief is a member of the Publications Information Committee. Day to day running of the journal is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, assisted by the relevant Journal Manager.
Other Committees
Petroleum Geoscience and Geoenergy (published jointly with the EAGE) Editorial Boards
The PG Board is chaired by the Editor-in-Chief who, in turn, appoints an Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Petroleum Geoscience Management Team (see below). The Board is concerned primarily with quality control and the refereeing of submitted articles. The Board meets as required, but with at least one in-person meeting per year. Day to day running of the journal is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, assisted by the relevant Journal Manager.
Geochemistry: Exploration, Analysis (published jointly with AAG) Editorial Board
The GEEA Board is chaired by the Editor-in-Chief who, in turn appoints an Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Petroleum Geoscience Management Team (see Below). The Board is concerned primarily with quality control and the refereeing of submitted articles. The Board meets as required, but with at least one in-person meeting per year. Day to day running of the journal is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, assisted by the relevant Journal Manager.
Petroleum Geoscience Management Committee
This Committee is made up of representatives from the Geological Society and the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. The Committee is concerned with policy, strategy, finance and marketing of the journal. The Committee meets twice a year, usually once each in the Society's and EAGE's head quarters in London and Houten respectively. The Geological Society's representatives are normally the Publications Secretary, the Executive Secretary and the Treasurer. The Director of Publishing, Library and Information Services attends as a representative of the publisher but not as a member of the Petroleum Geoscience Management Committee.
Geology Today Management Committee
This Committee is made up of representatives from the Geological Society , the Geologists' Association and Wiley-Blackwell. The Committee is concerned with policy, strategy, finance and marketing of the magazine. The Committee meets at least once a year at Wiley-Blackwell's office in Oxford or at Burlington House. The Geological Society's representatives are normally the Publications Secretary, the Director of Publishing, Library and Information Services and a member, or former member, of the Publications Committee.
Terra Nova Management Committee
This Committee is made up of representatives from European geological societies (currently eighteen) . The Committee normally meets biennially at the EUG meeting, or in between such meetings as appropriate. The Geological Society's representative is normally the Publications Secretary, or a member of the Publications and Information Management Committee attending the EUG conference.
Working Groups
Working Groups are to be established to tackle specific issues on a time-limited basis, and with a defined set of objectives and required outcomes. Membership will usually be small and focused and include at least one member of PIC and one member of staff, and may include those from outside the Society with specialist skills and insight. The Chair may not necessarily be a member of PIC.
Committee Members
- Prof Dan Le Heron
Council members
- Prof. Mark Anderson
- Dr Natasha Dowey
- Prof. Dan Le Heron
Other members
- Prof. Cherith Moses (EiC, QJEGH)
- Prof Yildirim Dilek (EiC, JGS)
- Prof Angela Coe
- Dr Kathryn Goodenough (EiC, EScubed)
- Dr Teresa Sabato Ceraldi (EiC, Books)
- Mr Dave Quinn
- Dr Jane Smith
- Mr Simon Thompson (Chief Executive Officer)
- Ms Maggie Simmons (Director of Publishing)
- Mr Michael Clayton (Director of Finance and Operations)
- Mr David Boyt (Head of Editorial Development)
- Ms Anne Davenport (Head of Sales, Marketing and Distribution)*
- Ms Sarah Gibbs (Head of Production)*
- Mr Antony Loveland (Head of Library and Information Services)*
- Dr Amy Whitchurch (Editor, Geoscientist)*
*by invitation
Reporting Committees
- Books Editorial Committee
- Journal of the Geological Society Editorial Board
- Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Editorial Board