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The staircase of the Geological Society of London, leading down stairs to the Society's entrance hall, with two large geological maps on the walls, and busts of George Greenough and William Smith


The Geological Society was founded in 1807 and is the oldest geological society in the world

The Society was inaugurated on 13 November 1807 at a dinner at the Freemasons Tavern, which formerly stood at the site of the modern Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, Covent Garden. Follow the links below to read more about our history.

An ink drawing from 1830 showing a scientific meeting at the Society

A Brief History

Read a short history of the Geological Society

A Brief History
A colour print of New Burlington House, Piccadilly circa 1874

Burlington House

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Burlington House
Ruth Allington, Geological Society President 2023-24, seated in front of bookshelves

Past Presidents

A list of our former Presidents

Past Presidents
A sheet of paper with black handwriting on which rests the nib and first half of a brown fountain pen


Index of Obituaries 1828-date

Index of obituaries 1828 date
The staircase of the Geological Society of London, leading down stairs to the Society's entrance hall, with two large geological maps on the walls, and busts of George Greenough and William Smith

Visiting the William Smith Map

How you can visit the William Smith map at Burlington House

Visiting the William Smith Map
Detail of Index Testarum, black and white engraving showing five cherubs looking at shells


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