Lyell Fund
The Lyell Fund is awarded to contributors to the Earth Sciences on the basis of noteworthy published research in 'soft' rock studies (as defined by the Lyell Medal).
This Fund is awarded to early career geoscientists who have made excellent contributions to geoscience research and its application, in the UK and internationally. Recipients must be within ten years (full-time equivalent) of the award of their first degree in geoscience or a cognate subject.
The Fund is accompanied by the award of £500.
Past winners
2024 Leonardo Muniz Pichel
2023 Hana Jurikova
2022 Daniel Collins
2021 Luke A Parry
2020 Thomas Wong Hearing
2019 Sam Giles
2018 Amanda Owen
2017 Susannah Maidment
2016 Tracy Aze
2015 Esther Sumner
2014 Paul Butler
2013 Siwan Davies
2012 Daniela Schmidt
2011 Emily Jane Rayfield
2010 Kirsty Penkman
2009 Colm Ó Cofaigh
2008 Kathy Willis
2007 Timothy John Henstock
2006 Moyra Elizabeth Jane Wilson
2005 Geoffrey Ian Alsop
2004 Michal Kucera
2002 Simon Philip Turner
2001 Lidia Lonergan
2000 Robert Edmund Holdsworth
1999 Philip Leonard Gibbard
1998 Andrew Scott Gale
1997 Peter Kokelaar
1996 David Alexander Taylor Harper
1995 Victor Paul Wright
1995 David Michael Latin
1994 Ian John Fairchild
1993 Robert Leslie Gawthorpe
1992 Michael James Benton
1992 James Dale Marshall
1991 Francis Anthony (Wes) Gibbons
1990 L M Parson
1989 Malcolm F Howells
1988 Dianne Edwards
1987 Jeremy Leggett
1986 Alastair Harry Forbes Robertson
1985 David Kenneth Smythe
1984 Roger Antony Scrutton
1984 John Robert Hossack
1983 Maurice Edwin Tucker
1983 David Spencer Conran
1982 Richard Simon Thorpe
1982 Peter William Francis
1982 David Gwyn Roberts
1981 Michael Gwyn Bassett
1981 Brian John Bluck
1980 Norman John Soper
1980 Michael Robert Leeder
1980 Geoffrey Stewart Boulton
1979 Richard John Chandler
1979 Paul Lewis Hancock
1978 Adrian William Amsler Rushton
1977 Geoffrey Russell Coope
1977 Edwin John Cobbing
1976 John Douglas Hudson
1976 Alan Gilbert Smith
1975 Reginald George Thurrell
1975 Brian Fredrick Windley
1975 Anthony Michael John Kent
1974 Trevor David Ford
1974 Thomas Peter Crimes
1974 John Newbery
1973 David Alfred Gray
1973 Charles Henry Emeleus
1972 Kenneth Reginald Early
1972 Anthony Mansell Spencer
1971 Thomas Richard Owen
1971 John Michael Hancock
1971 Graham Evans
1970 Ronald Goldring
1970 Robert McQuillin
1970 Brian Michael Funnell
1969 Neville James Price
1969 Ernest Ronald Oxburgh
1968 Robin Gilbert Charles Bathurst
1968 Richard Ernest Elliott
1967 Alexander Cameron MacLean McKinlay
1967 George Anderson Goodlet
1967 Douglas James Shearman
1966 Martin John Spencer Rudwick
1966 John Robert Laurence Allen
1965 Sydney William Hester
1965 Robert Stoneley
1964 Ronald John Firman
1964 Donald Harrison Griffiths
1963 George Patrick Leonard Walker
1963 Alan Eben Mackenzie Walker
1962 Nicholas Rast
1962 Charles Downie
1961 William Thornton Dean
1961 Richard Gilbert West
1960 Robert Henry Cummings
1960 James D Lawson
1959 William Herbert Craven Ramsbottom
1959 Cecil Owen Harvey
1958 Harry Robert Warman
1958 Eileen Many Lind Hendriks
1957 Tom Barnard
1957 Frank Harold Trevor Rhodes
1956 Wallace Spencer Pitcher
1956 Harold Robert Tanish
1955 William Bullerwell
1955 Peter Aubrey Sabine
1954 Maurice Kingsley Wells
1954 John Sutton
1954 Janet Vida Watson
1953 Gilbert Wilson
1953 David Alexander Brown
1952 Richard Michael Cardwell Eagar
1952 Richard Bradford McConnell
1951 Rex Tregilgas Prider
1951 Frederick Henry Stewart
1950 John Selwyn Turner
1950 John Edwin Hemingway
1949 William David Evans
1949 Percy Edward Kent
1948 William D Ware
1948 Dorothy Helen Rayner
1947 Leslie Reginald Moore
1947 Claud William Wright
1946 William Pulfrey
1946 Percy Thomas Cox
1945 Francis B A Welch
1945 Alfred Harold Tain
1944 Stevenson Buchan
1944 Edward W J Moore
1943 Max H Hey
1943 Frederick Allan Bannister
1942 Stephen Robert Nockolds
1942 Jack Shirley
1941 William Eltringham
1941 Frederick Stretton Wallis
1940 Laurence H Tonks
1940 Dorothy Hill
1939 William Quarrier Kennedy
1939 Arthur Raistrick
1938 Sydney Ewart Hollingworth
1938 Frederick Murrey Trotter
1937 Mabel Elizabeth Tomlinson
1937 James Frederick Jackson
1936 Sidney W Woolridge
1935 Lawrence Rickard Wager
1935 John Jerom Hartley
1934 Frederick William Shotton
1933 Wilfred Norman Edwards
1933 A B Broughton Edge
1932 Roy Woodhouse Pocock
1931 William Henry Wilcockson
1931 Oliver Meredith Boone Bulman
1930 Helen Marguerite Muir-Wood
1929 Edmund Oswald Teale
1929 Charles Edmonds
1928 Ben Lightfoot
1927 Leonard Hawkes
1927 Edith Goodyesr
1926 Frank Raw
1926 Arthur Francis Hallimond
1925 W Alfred Richardson
1925 J Allen Thompson
1924 John W Tucker
1924 H Hamshaw Thomas
1923 William Thomas Gordon
1923 William Noel Benson
1922 David Tait
1922 Arthur Macconochie
1921 Herbert Leader Hawkins
1921 Charles E N Bromehead
1920 John D Falconer
1920 Ernest Sheppard Pinfold
1919 Stanley Smith
1919 John Pringle
1918 W Kingdon Spencer
1918 Vincent Charles Illing
1917 Tressilian Charles Nicholas
1917 Arthur Hubert Cox
1916 Martin A C Hinton
1916 Alfred Santer Kennard
1915 Lewis Moysey
1915 John Parkinson
1914 Walter Howchin
1914 John Postlethwaite
1913 Llewllyn Treacher
1912 Robert Heron Rastall
1912 Arthur R Dwerryhouse
1911 Charles Gilbert Cullis
1910 Robert Broom
1910 F R Cowper Reed
1909 Robert G Carruthers
1909 Herbert Brantwood Maufe
1908 Thomas Franklin Sibly
1908 H J Osborne White
1907 Thomas Sheppard
1907 T Crosbee Cantrill
1906 William G Fearnsides
1906 Richard H Solly
1905 Walcot Gibson
1905 E A Newell Arber
1904 Sidney Hugh Reynolds
1904 Charles Alfred Matley
1903 Sydney S Buckman
1903 George Edward Dibley
1902 Wheelton Hind
1901 John William Evans
1901 Alexander Henry
1900 Gertrude L Elles
1899 John Ward
1899 Frederick Chapman
1898 William H Shrubsole
1898 Henry Woods
1897 W J Lewis Abbott
1897 Joseph Lomas
1896 William F Hume
1896 Charles William Andrews
1895 Percy Fry Kendall
1895 Benjamin Harrison
1894 William Hill
1893 Catherine A Raisin
1893 Alfred N Leeds
1892 John Walter Gregory
1892 Edwin A Walford
1891 George W Lamplugh
1891 C I Forsyth Major
1890 Charles Davies Sherborn
1889 Louis Dollo
1888 Thomas Roberts
1888 Arthur H Foord
1887 Osmond Fisher
1886 David Mackintosh
1885 Alfred J Jukes-Browne
1884 Charles Lapworth
1883 P H Carpenter
1883 Edouard Rigaux
1882 Norman Glass
1882 Charles Lapworth
1881 G R Vine
1881 Anton Fritsch
1880 F A von Quenstedt
1879 Henry Woodward
1879 Henry A Nicholson
1878 Wilhelm Waagen
1877 William Pengelly
1876 John Morris