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R H Worth Award

The R H Worth Award of the Geological Society is conferred in recognition of achievements in outreach, public engagement and/or education

R H Worth Award

The R H Worth Award is conferred in recognition of achievements in outreach, public engagement and/or education carried out by an individual or an institution.

It was established in 1955 under the will of Richard Hansford Worth.

Past winners

2024 John Howell
2023 Seds Online
2022 North Sea Core
2021 Anjana Khatwa
2019 Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre
2018 Girls into Geoscience
2017 Rotunda - the William Smith Museum of Geology
2016 Paul Denton
2015 Peter Loader
2014 Robert Chandler 
2013 Hans Hagdorn
2012 David Ward
2011 Peter Kennett
2010 Dorset & East Devon Coast World Heritage Site
2009 Tony Bazley
2008 Ian West
2007 Hugh Prudden
2006 James Bryant
2005 Susan Brown
2004 Christopher John Darmon
2002 David Barnard Thompson
2001 Peter Toghill
2000 Geoffrey Alan Cox
1999 Harry Pearman
1998 Anna Grayson
1997 Diana Stephanie Sutherland
1996 Simon Charles Carpenter
1995 Reginald Bradshaw
1994 Steve M Etches
1993 Pierre Destombes
1992 Felix Whitham
1991 John Eric Robinson
1990 A Herriot
1989 D Curry
1987 J S H Collins
1984 John Bell
1983 Stanley Purdie Wood
1982 Arthur Ernest Mourant
1981 Edgar Howard Shackleton
1978 Emlyn Evans
1972 Henry Evelyn Peere Spencer
1971 Norman Berry Peake
1970 Muriel Agnes Arber
1969 Leslie John Pitt
1968 Frederick Charles Stinton
1967 John Hannes Callomon
1966 Majorie E J Chandler
1965 Eileen Mary Lind Hendriks
1964 A G Long
1963 Ronald Pearson Tripp
1963 H E Dudley
1962 John Henry Davies
1961 Mabel ElizabethTomlinson
1959 Christopher T A Gaster
1958 Edward W J Moore and Claud William Wright
1957 Donald Parkinson
1956 Charles T Trechmann
1955 James Wright