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Cover image Seismic Characterization of Carbonate Platforms and Reservoirs

Seismic Characterization of Carbonate Platforms and Reservoirs SP509

Print publication date: 17/08/2021

Geological Society of London, GSL Special Publication, Earth Materials Deposits and Petrology, Petroleum Geoscience and Geoenergy, New

Type: Book (Hardback)

Binding: Hardback

ISBN: 9781786205391

Weight: 0.84kg

Number of pages: 289


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Full Description

Product code: SP509

Edited by J. Hendry, P. Burgess, D. Hunt, X. Janson and V. Zampetti

Special Publication 509

Modern seismic data have become an essential toolkit for studying carbonate platforms and reservoirs in impressive detail. Whilst driven primarily by oil and gas exploration and development, data sharing and collaboration are delivering fundamental geological knowledge on carbonate systems, revealing platform geomorphologies and how their evolution on millennial time scales, as well as kilometric length scales, was forced by long-term eustatic, oceanographic or tectonic factors. Quantitative interrogation of modern seismic attributes in carbonate reservoirs permits flow units and barriers arising from depositional and diagenetic processes to be imaged and extrapolated between wells.

This volume reviews the variety of carbonate platform and reservoir characteristics that can be interpreted from modern seismic data, illustrating the benefits of creative interaction between geophysical and carbonate geological experts at all stages of a seismic campaign. Papers cover carbonate exploration, including the uniquely challenging South Atlantic pre-salt reservoirs, seismic modelling of carbonates, and seismic indicators of fluid flow and diagenesis.

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Published online on the Lyell Collection 27/07/2021.



Hendry, J., Burgess, P., Hunt, D., Janson, X. and Zampetti, V. Seismic characterization of carbonate platforms and reservoirs: an introduction and review
Ting, K. K., Tan, Y. E., Chiew, E., Lee, E. L., Azudin, A. N. and Ishak, N. A. Assessing controls on isolated carbonate platform development in Central Luconia, NW Borneo, from a regional 3D seismic facies and geomorphology investigation
Jiménez Berrocoso, Á, Masini, M., Salazar, J., Campos, A. O. and Hsieh, J. C. C. Challenges of carbonate platform identification and characterization from seismic data in frontier exploration – evaluating a possible Miocene example from the SE Caribbean
Embry, J.-C., Hunt, D. W., Colpaert, A., Dræge, A. and Zahm, L. Seismic facies, stratigraphy, geomorphology, and seismic modelling of a Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform
Minzoni, M., Cantelli, A., Thornton, J. and Wignall, B. Seismic-scale geometries and sequence-stratigraphic architecture of Early Cretaceous syn-post rift carbonate systems, Presalt Section, Brazil
Barnett, A. J., Fu, L., Rapasi, T., Scotellaro, C., Guha, J., Cabolova, A. and Domingues, A. L. Seismic characterization and origin of clinoforms in lacustrine depositional environments: a case study from the Cretaceous of the South Atlantic
Mascolo, V. and Lecomte, I. Seismic modelling of outcrop carbonate systems: an application to the Cretaceous platform-to-basin system of the Maiella Mountain (central Apennines, Italy)
Masiero, I., Burgess, P., Hollis, C., Manifold, L., Gawthorpe, R., Lecomte, I., Marshall, J. and
Rotevatn, A. Syn-rift carbonate platforms in space and time: testing and refining conceptual models using stratigraphic and seismic numerical forward modelling
Gold, D. P., Baillard, F., Rathore, R., Zhang, Z. and Arbi, S. An integrated biostratigraphic, seismic reservoir characterization and numerical stratigraphic forward modelling approach to imaging drowned carbonate platforms: a case study from eastern Indonesia
Fournillon, A., Fournier, F. and Vidal, O. Seismic expression of carbonate build-up karstification: karst modelling strategies and insights from synthetic seismic
Smit, F. W. H., Stemmerik, L., Lüthje, M. and van Buchem, F. S. P. Characterization and origin of large Campanian depressions within the Chalk Group of the Danish Central Graben – implications for hydrocarbon exploration and development
