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Person in walking boots stepping over rocks

Restart your Chartership journey

There is still opportunity to retain Chartered status even if it has lapsed.

In order to maintain Chartered status of either CGeol or CSci, you must continue to pay your Fellowship and Chartership fee and upkeep your Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

For those whose Chartership has been lapsed for less than three years, you can reinstate your Chartership by:
  • Completing a Request for Reinstatement form (available below)
  • Submittng Continuing Professional Development (CPD) records for all years covering the lapsed period
  • Paying a reapplication fee
2 people in hardhats on site looking at laptop

Reinstate your application

Lapsed in the last 3 years? You can easily reinstate your Chartered status

Reinstate your Chartership
Where status has lapsed for more than three years, a completely new application for Chartership status must be submitted and a full validation interview carried out.

The designation of FGS  may also be lapsed and should be similarly reinstated at the closest possible opportunity.

Person in walking boots stepping over rocks

Restart your Chartership journey

If your Chartership has lapsed for more than 3 years you will need to re-apply for Chartership

Restart your journey

*It should be noted that the re-application fee would not apply in instances where a Fellow has given prior notice to the Society of their intention to undertake any form of career break (maternity, ill health etc).

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