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Distinguished Geologists Memorial Trust

The Distinguished Geologists Memorial Trust was established by the Institution of Geologists with monies donated in memory of Sir Peter Kent, Dan Ion and Robert H Cummings*. It acknowledges the significant contributions made by them to the science and profession of Geology in the UK and throughout the world. The object of the Trust was to assist geologists in the early years of their career, and particularly those in industry, with professional development (by contributing to travel costs or towards gaining experience in appropriate ways).

Since the merger with the IG, the Society has endeavoured to maintain the original objectives of the Trust and intends to award a limited number of bursaries each year, worth up to £2,000 apiece. Preference is given to Fellows who are working towards,or who have recently attained, Chartership (CGeol/CSci).  Applicants will need to demonstrate that the bursary will benefit their professional development.

How to apply

The application form and further guidance are available to download below. The application is to be accompanied by a statement of no more than 1,000 words describing how the bursary will be used. Two letters of support are required, one from a Chartered Fellow and one from your employer.

Applications should be sent to Awards Secretary by the first Monday in February in any year:

Successful applicants will be required to produce a report of no more than three pages clearly identifying what has been achieved (i.e. the results). Successful applicants may be asked to write about their experiences for Geoscientist. See the guidance notes for full details.

Application form for DGMT bursary
Guidance for DGMT bursary

For further information and assistance, please email

* Dan Ion was the third President of IG, who died suddenly in 1985 while in office. Sir Peter Kent, President of the Society when the Association for Promotion of an Institution of Professional Geologists (APIPG) was established and himself a founder member of the IG, died shortly afterwards. Robert Cummings, who was the IG’s first President, was instrumental in establishing the Trust. When he too died, his name was added to the Trust’s description.