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Training Courses

We have developed a specialist training programme to support key areas within geoscience. All Training Courses are endorsed by independent reviewers and are led by a fantastic range of industry experts, helping you advance your career. Whilst most Training Courses are held online, we also hold in-person courses. Our Training Courses are impactful for geoscientists at any career stage and can be used as part of your continuing professional development (CPD)

Training Courses Brochure

View the Training Courses brochure to find out more information about Training Courses and preferential rates.

Training Courses Proposal

If you have a course in mind and would like to propose it to us, please fill out the course proposal form and send it to

Click on the Training Courses tab to view the programme today!

All our Online Training Courses are recorded and available to registered delegates for one month after the course concludes.


We offer a 10% early-bird discount when you sign up at least two months before the course starts. In addition to the early-bird discount, we also provide competitive group discounts on all Training Courses.


  • 5 – 9 delegates: 20% off
  • 10 – 14 delegates: 25% off
  • 15 delegates or more: 30% off

The group booking special rate can also be applied on top of the member discounts, for extra savings. For more information on accessing group discounts, please email


Members of the Geological Society can access up to 50% off when registering for Training Courses. If you are not currently a member, join today and receive a code directly to your inbox which you can use to access the Training Courses discount. Simply enter this into the Fellow/Student Membership number field on the registration form. This means you won't need to wait for election, or for your assigned membership number.

We also offer a generous 40% discount off our Non-Fellow rate to members of the Geological Society of America (GSA). A discount code must be quoted on the registration form for the Training Course in order to take advantage of the discount. If you are a member of GSA and do not have the discount code, please email with proof of your membership.

Read our Training Courses Cancellation Policy for more information.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to submit a request at your workplace to attend one of our Training Courses, you may wish to use this Training Course request form.

Request Form

Are there any courses that you would like to see us offering? To ensure we best serve the needs of the geoscience community, we welcome suggestions on course themes. Simply drop us a line with your suggestion at

Have you already attended one of our training courses, or do you have any feedback you’d like to share? We would love to hear about your experience. Just fill out this short survey and let us know your thoughts.