The competition runs in two stages: the Qualifiers and the Final.
In order to enter the competition, students need to make a submission to the Qualifiers via our online entry form. Their submission should fit the competition brief, and be uploaded via the online form. Only ONE entry per team is permitted. Entries will be marked by a panel of judges.
The 10 highest-scoring entries will be invited to the Final, where they will complete a problem-solving challenge in their teams. The Final takes place in-person at Burlington House along London's iconic Piccadilly. Reimbursement for travel costs of up to £700 will be made available.
For full details on how to enter, please see the competition rules.
For the Qualifiers, we would like you to:
1. Choose a geoscience topic.
2. Present that topic for an online audience.
3. Submit your entry via the online entry form
Submissions will be judged according to: scientific content and accuracy (50%), how effectively the topic is communicated to the audience (25%), creativity (25%)
For more detailed information, please check out the competition brief.
The final will take place at our HQ in Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
The final will involve a problem solving activity about geology and its real world applications. The activity will be explained at the final, but students will be testing their analytic and teamwork skills, and presenting to a panel of judges.
See Finals Terms & Conditions for important information regarding attendance and participation at the Finals.