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A pile of sandy coloured stones like a dry stone wall

The Rock Cycle Microsite

Learn about the Rock Cycle through our fun, interactive microsite aimed at UK secondary students

The homepage of the Rock Cycle website

Our Rock Cycle Microsite provides a comprehensive resource to enhance your understanding of how surface and deep Earth processes shape the rocks beneath our feet and those used in the construction of homes. Explore the different types of rock, their formation, and the geological features found across Britain.

Test your knowledge with interactive multiple-choice quizzes covering key rock cycle topics such as magma crystallisation, erosion, and sediment transport.

For educators, a dedicated Teachers' Zone offers valuable resources, background information, and engaging activities to support classroom learning. Additional links and a glossary ensure clarity and accessibility for all users.

Please note: The linked website is a self-contained microsite using older technologies than the main website. Please refer to our Privacy Statement for more information.