Application Procedure and Requirements for Accreditation of Postgraduate Degree Programmes
Application Procedure for Postgraduate Degree Programmes
The Geological Society introduced an accreditation scheme for taught MSc programmes in December 2006. Accreditation provides peer-reviewed certification of the standard and scope of professional and scientific training offered by MSc programmes, giving universities, grant awarding bodies and employers confidence in the value of the programme in producing well-trained graduates for employment in the Earth Sciences.
Accreditation of all Earth Science degree programmes is approved by the Accreditation Committee. The Committee requires details about the host institution and the academic content of a degree programme before the case for accreditation can be evaluated.
Programmes must have graduated at least 2 cohorts of students before an application can be considered. It is also recommended that at least one member of the staff teaching the programme hold appropriate professional qualifications (for example, CGeol, CSci, or CEng.)
Where the MSc programme has not previously been accredited, or where the programme has undergone major changes since the previous accreditation, completion of Form M1 is required. A panel of three experts considers the application, and their recommendation is submitted to the full Accreditation Committee.
In the case of reaccreditation of a previously accredited MSc degree programmes, and where changes to the programme since the last accreditation are not major, completion of From M2 is required. The emphasis is placed on any changes made since the previous accreditation, and is designed to be a much ‘lighter’ touch than full accreditation. An assessment by a panel of three experts will not normally be required. The documents are then submitted to the full Committee for consideration.
Once awarded, accreditation lasts for 6 years from the date of approval or, in the case of re-accreditation, from the expiry date of the last accreditation.
There is no charge for the application for accreditation. The annual re-charge for accreditation of postgraduate programmes is currently £150 plus VAT for the each programme.
The application pack is available directly on request from the Accreditation Officer, or it can be downloaded via the links below.
The application packs is designed to be self-explanatory, but help can be sought at any time from the Accreditation Officer who acts as advisor and advocate on the applicant’s behalf. Please contact the Accreditation Office, Professor Andy Saunders ( if you are considering making an application for accreditation.
Requirements for Accreditation of Postgraduate Degree Programmes
For a degree programme to be accredited, Departments must demonstrate that that the programme fulfils minimum skills and subject training as requested in Forms M1 or M2. The Department must also demonstrate that it provides an appropriate learning environment with due cognisance to staff and student support, equality and diversity.
The Accreditation Committee will be seeking to establish that a graduate taking an accredited MSc will be gaining experience and insights directly relevant to a later award of Chartered Geologist (or Chartered Scientist) (CGeol/CSci) status. To this end, it is recommended that at least one member of the team delivering the course hold an appropriate professional qualification (e.g., CGeol, CSci or CEng). Full details of the required Chartership competencies are available on the Society Chartership page.
Applications Forms M1 and M2 request details about the course (level; skills training and knowledge content; vocational training, etc); institution; teaching staff; and the student cohort
Quick Links to Guides and Application Forms
Application Pack A for Accreditation of Postgraduate Degree Programmes
Application Pack B for Reaccreditation of Postgraduate Degree Programmes