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Accredited Degrees listed by Study Type

Some degrees offer the chance to broaden your experience through a year in industry or a year abroad. Many students undertake work or volunteering placements during their degree, gaining valuable experience and contacts with potential employers.

Part time and distance learning options are useful for those changing career, as well as those wanting to fund their studies and gain valuable work experience while studying.

Please click on the department name to find out more about the institution and accredited degrees offered.

Industry Placements / Sandwich courses

""University of Cardiff ""University of East Anglia
""University of Leeds ""University of Portsmouth

Study Abroad

""University of Birmingham ""University of Bristol
""University of Cardiff
""University of Durham
""University of East Anglia ""University of Leeds
""University of Leicester ""University of Liverpool
""Imperial College, London ""Royal Holloway, University of London
""University of Southampton

Part Time & Distance Learning options

""Birkbeck College, University of London ""University of Derby (MSc Only)
""University of Manchester (MSc Only) ""University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (MSc Only)
""University of Portsmouth (MSc Only)  

Contact Us

Our Accreditation Officer, Andy Saunders, will be pleased to respond to queries regarding the accreditation scheme.
