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These FAQs should answer any questions you might have, but if you have any queries that aren't answered here, please visit our Contact Us page where you can find contact details by department.

You may also find what you are looking for on our other more subject specific FAQ pages:

Member Renewals FAQs
Lyell Collection member access FAQs
Bookshop FAQs 

If you do not know your membership number, please contact the membership office for further assistance.

Fellows can login and receive their GSL member discount. To receive the Other Society member discount please see the instructions in the Bookshop FAQs.

Address details can be amended in the MyGSL portal. Simply login and navigate to the My Details tab where you will be able to amend your address.

To access you CPD reporting or log any CPD simply login to the MyGSL portal and click on the CPD tab. You will be able to view/log any activity there.

If you have not received your quarterly copy of Geoscientist, please email the membership office, quoting your membership number and current mailing address. Every issue of Geoscientist is also available online at the Geoscientist Online website.

If you would like to change the journal option you are currently subscribed to, please email the membership office.

Please visit our Contact Us page for opening hours to view the map.