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Dr Carlos Rapela

Carlos RapelaDr Carlos Rapela is the Director of the CONICET La Plata Scientific & Technological Centre in Argentina, which coordinates the activities of 23 scientific institutes (2009-2013). He has been a Fellow of the Society for many years.

Dr Rapela's career has largely been established as a research scientist in the field of igneous petrology and geochemistry and their significance to tectonic evolution of the crust. In 1999 he was appointed Investigador Superior - the highest category of researcher accorded by CONICET- and Emeritus Professor of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata since 2011. He is recognized as the top national authority in his expertise and has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications. He was elected member of the Argentine National Academy of Sciences in 2001 and member of the National Academy of Physical and Natural Sciences in 2008.

Dr. Rapela has received numerous scientific awards from public and private institutions of Argentina: Asociación Geológica Argentina (Storni Award 1976, AGA Award 2007; Honorary Member 2007,), Houssay Award 1987 (CONICET); Strobel Award 2001(Universidad de Buenos Aires); Konex Award 2003 (Fundación Konex); Houssay Award 2004 (Secretary of Science & Technology of Argentina). He was member of the Scientific Board of the IGCP (1995-1999).

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