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Additional information

Find out more about annual membership fees, plus information about optional add-ons to your membership

Optional add-ons

Add-on extras to your membership for an additional fee

Combined journal offer

The Society offers a 'Two for One' offer on the Journal of the Geological Society (JGS) and the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (QJEGH). Select JGS to receive QJEGH (online) for free and vice versa.

Additional journals

You receive access to one journal in the Lyell Collection with your membership. Check which journal you have access to by looking in 'Subscriptions' in the dashboard of MyGSL.

You can add journals to your membership for an additional fee:

To add any of these options to your membership, please email

You can also change your free journal option at any time via MyGSL or by contacting 

Fellows and student members can subscribe to the Full Book Collection for an additional annual fee, which extends electronic access to more recent Special Publications, Memoirs, Energy Geoscience Conference Series and Engineering Geology Special Publication book series (including "In Progress" book articles). 

The Full Book Collection currently includes content published from 2022 to current for:

  • Special Publications

  • Memoirs

  • Energy Geoscience Conference Series

  • Engineering Geology Special Publications

Titles labelled "Full Book Collection required" require a current Full Book Collection subscription.

Log in to MyGSL or email to subscribe to the Full Book Collection.

*Please note: No journal or eBook content is included with the Book Archive or a Full Book Collection subscription.

Discounted subscriptions to Geology published by the Geological Society of America's and Geology Today published by Wiley.

Geology Today provides an essential read for all Earth Scientists - amateur and professional.

  • Articles and Features review topics of current interest in the Earth Sciences - written for the general reader by experts in the field
  • News and Briefing columns report on news from the geological community, recent research that has appeared in the specialist journals, geological happenings and discoveries and geological conferences
  • Fossils Explained and Minerals Explained are two regular series looking at the origins, classification and identification of fossils and minerals
  • Building Stones Explained is a new series introducing the most common stones used in the Industry
  • A lively Correspondence section allows readers to air and share their views and to respond to items appearing in the journal

Members can subscribe direct from the publisher and benefit from an even further reduction on the subscription price. To subscribe to Geology Today at the discounted member rate, follow the below instructions:

  • On the Wiley website scroll down to the subscription chart
  • Find the Geological Society of London row
  • Click on the price relevant to your region and fill out the form

The Geological Society Discussion Group hosts six to seven dinners a year at a number of different venues in London, including Burlington House, with a wide range of speakers and topics.

Membership entitles you to discounted rates for meetings.

The IAEG is a worldwide scientific society with more than 5,200 members and 59 national groups. The UK National Group for the IAEG is the Society's Engineering Group Committee.

The subscription fee will appear each year on the Fellowship renewal invoice. If you wish to join, please email


Prices for optional add-ons, annual membership fees and more

For a comprehensive list of all membership category fees, please visit the membership fees page.

View all membership fees

Maintaining your Chartered status requires an additional annual fee, showcasing your dedication to your professional development and 'competent person' status.

  • Chartered Geologist (CGeol) per year: £57.00
  • Chartered Geologist (CGeol) per year (retired and not offering services): £23.00
  • Chartered Scientist (CSci) per year: £59.00
  • European Geologist (EurGeol) per year: £53.00
View the Chartership page

  • Full Book Collection: £108.00. Allows online access to book content on the Lyell Collection published in the current and three previous calendar years.
  • Add online access to an additional online journal option: £62 
  • Geological Society Discussion Group: £30 for annual membership (reduced to £15 for those living more than 100 miles from central London)
  • Join the IAEG (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment) via the Society: £20.00

We may be able to help if you are on a reduced income due to not working, illness or raising a family. If this applies to you, please complete our concession request form below.

Fee reduction form

Got enquiries about fees? Don't hesitate to reach out.

Email the membership team