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Membership fees

See a comprehensive list of all fees associated with membership of the Geological Society

Membership fees

View more details about admission fees, annual membership and Chartership fees, optional add-ons and more.

Student member | £18

Membership for students in upper secondary and undergraduate level education

Fellow - Postgraduate | £50

Fellows studying MSc or PhD (full-time)

Fellow - Early Career | £87

0-9 years of completing first degree (excluding career breaks)

Fellow - Mid-Career | £171

10-14 years of completing first degree (excluding career breaks)

Fellow - Experienced Career | £247

15+ years from completing first degree (excluding career breaks)

Fellow - Retired | £131

Retired and not offering services

Fellow - Emeritus | £84

Retired and not offering services with 40+ years' continuous Fellowship

Fellow - Concessions | £0-£87

Reduced fees to support Fellows on maternity / paternity leave, career breaks, unemployed and on low income

Fellow - Senior | £0

Fellows with over 50 years' continuous Fellowship

Friend | £54

Non-professional membership for people interested in the Earth sciences, Earth science graduates in other professions and Earth science professionals who have left the profession and Fellowship for more than 2 years

There is no admission fee if you are applying for:

  • Student Membership (for further and higher education students)
  • Fellowship, and are a full-time postgraduate student

There is a one-off admission fee of:

  • £22.00 for Fellow applications (if not already a Student Member)
  • £133.00 for Chartered Geologist application
  • £135.00 for Chartered Scientist application
  • £89.00 for European Geologist application

  • Full Book Collection: £108.00. Allows online access to book content on the Lyell Collection published in the current and three previous calendar years.
  • Add online access to an additional online journal option: £62 
  • Geological Society Discussion Group: £30 for annual membership (reduced to £15 for those living more than 100 miles from central London)
  • Join the IAEG (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment) via the Society: £20.00
View all optional add-ons

  • Chartered Geologist per year: £57.00
  • Chartered Geologist per year (retired and not offering services): £23.00
  • European Geologist per year: £53.00
  • Chartered Scientist per year: £59.00

We may be able to help if you are on a reduced income due to not working, illness or raising a family. If this applies to you, please complete our concession request form below.

Fee reduction form

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