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Geoscientist Online

Geoscientist is the Fellowship magazine of the Geological Society. It features a vibrant mix of science, opinion, news and more. Geoscientist serves as a resource to the community, with articles that aim to stimulate thinking within and across fields of expertise.

Mounting pressures on the natural environment mean that geoscience has never been more relevant, diverse or interdisciplinary.  Scientists across the geoscience fields are working together with social scientists, engineers, economists and policy-makers to tackle issues of climate change, escalating demand for natural resources, and the need to sustain an ever-growing population on an increasingly polluted planet.  The fabric of the geoscience community is changing, and Geoscientist aims to reflect and foster that change. The voices in our pages should mirror the diverse nature of the problems we tackle—we encourage readers from all backgrounds to get in touch.

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Address: The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG, UK

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