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The Geological Society of London does not issue or require the agreement of a formal license for institutional access to the Lyell Collection. Rather, it has chosen to adopt a co-operative and collaborative approach as exemplified by the SERU (Shared E-Resource Understanding) approach to e-resource subscriptions. This approach recognises that the provision of timely, high quality materials and their protection is in the mutual interests of all parties, and offers savings in time and cost by enabling access within a framework of shared understanding and good faith.

  • In the absence of a separate license agreement the Geological Society and the subscribing institution will follow the SERU guidelines as published at the NISO SERU website. For more details and answers to key questions visit the SERU website.

  • Use of the Lyell Collection by those entitled to access by virtue of their relationship with the subscribing institution should read the terms of use for individuals.

  • Use of the Lyell Collection content by those entitled to access by virtue of an open access read and publish license at a subscribing institution should read the terms of use for individuals.

  • Payment of subscription or archive fees (direct or via an agent) implies acceptance of SERU.

  • Text and data mining is permitted for non-commercial use only. 

  • Training of LLM on Geological Society of London content is not permitted for any use or for any content.  

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Mountain Sunrise

Lyell Collection content access options