The Geological Society champions open access publishing for both books and journals, offering a range of flexible options to maximise the reach and impact of your research. We support full and hybrid (mixed open access and subscription-based) models and participate in Read and Publish agreements with numerous institutions worldwide.
Our book series including Special Publications, Memoirs, and Engineering Geology Special Publications, all provide avenues for open access publishing at both the chapter and book level. For researchers prioritising fully open access, our GeoHorizons series is dedicated exclusively to this model.
Increase the visibility of your work with greater discoverability and citation potential.
Increased Engagement and Impact
Open access content is published under a Creative Commons CC BY license, empowering broader reuse and adaptation of your work.
Publishing with the Geological Society ensures adherence to all major funder mandates globally.
Publish Geological Research Open Access
The Geological Society recognises the importance of open access to geological research. Open access publishing provides free, immediate, online access to geological research, such as journal articles and books. Open access content is available to anyone with an internet connection, without any access fees or restrictions, furthering the Society's mission to advance geoscience knowledge and understanding.