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Space Lights Above Rock

Science & Policy

The Society’s Science programme is underpinned by our five strategic Themes, which seek to support interdisciplinary Earth & Planetary Science activities that tackle modern, global problems. Our Policy team work closely with Government, the media and other scientific organisations to communicate the science and it's importance to society.

A unique green-coloured solar flare flowing through sandy dunes.

Science Themes

Read about the five strategic Science Themes that underpin the Society’s Science programme.

Science Themes
Orange Rock Formation


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woman in a yellow jumper taking samples from a rock face

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Specialist Groups and Networks
A view of Europe from space at night, showing the lights of cities and other urban areas

Geology for Society

Geology for Society description here

Geology for Society
A unique green-coloured solar flare flowing through sandy dunes.

100 Great Geosites

100 Great Geosites description here

100 Great Geosites
Sandy Rock Formation

Plate Tectonic Stories

Plate Tectonic Stories for Society description here

Plate Tectonic Stories