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Category 8: Outcrops

Rock outcrops give us important information about geological structures, rock types and past processes. Good outcrops are key to geological mapping and understanding local geological history, and need to be protected from damage, for example as a result of irresponsible coring. This category contains some of the best!

Click on the links below to find out about each Geosite:

Brimham Rocks

Brimham Rocks

North Yorkshire, England

Brimham rocks are balancing rock formations on Brimham Moor. Glaciation and erosion have carved them into amazing shapes!

""Spectacular Scenery


Snowball Earth Deposits, Islay

Inner Hebrides, Scotland

These deposits are thought to support the 'Snowball Earth' hypothesis that the Earth’s surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen earlier than 650 million years ago.

""Unsung Heroes


Coast around Craster

Northumberland, England

The coast around Craster provides many opportunities to observe the Great Whin Sill at Dunstanborough Castle, and also the unusual formations associated with it such as Greymare Rock.

""The People’s Choice

Permian Dawlish Cliffs

Permian Red Sandstone Cliffs, Dawlish

Devon, England

These colourful outcrops of red sandstone along the Dawlish Coast provide a reminder of when Britian lay closer to the equator and much of the country as we now know it was a desert!

Scourie More

Scourie More

Sutherland, Scotland

The outcrops at Scourie More offer an opportunity to observe deep time and cross-cutting relationships in the earth's crust.



Fetlar, Shetland, Scotland

A unique outcrop exposing originally round pebbles that have been squashed into discs or stretched into rods during a mountain-building period.

Sub-Torridonian Unconformity

Sub-Torridonian unconformity on the Assynt Road

Sutherland, Scotland

This site is one of the most visited unconformities in Britain and defines the landscape through Assynt.

Sand Volcanoes

Sand Volcanoes near Kilkee

County Clare, Ireland

These unusual features can be found along the Atlantic coast of Ireland, and can be studied to aid in the understanding of ancient earthquakes.


The Moho on the Heogs and Nikka Vord

Unst, Shetland, Scotland

There are few places on Earth today where a sequence of oceanic rocks from the mantle to the top of the oceanic crust can be seen uplifted to the surface, but this site has one of the most accessible and complete examples in the world.

Dalradian marble

Dalradian Marble, Maam Valley

Connemara, Ireland

This area of folded rocks has been described as a structural and metamorphic paradise!

100 Great Geosites


"" The People’s Choice
Winners of the Public Vote

""     Unsung Heroes    
Exceptional Local Geology

"" Spectacular Scenery
Stunning photo stops!

""         Geotourism        
Great for Visitors