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Our outreach activities are vital to communicating geoscience to our members and the general public.

100 years of female fellows

100 Years of Female Fellows

Throughout 2019 we will be highlighting the work of our pioneering early members, as well as celebrating the contributions women have made to the geosciences before and since.

Earth Science Week

Earth Science Week

Earth Science Week is our annual international celebration of geoscience. Find out more about Earth Science Week.

100 Geosites

100 Great Geosites

Explore our list of 100 great geological sites across the UK and Ireland, featuring some of the most diverse and beautiful geology in the world and spanning most of geological time.

Plate Tectonic Stories

Plate Tectonic Stories

To mark the 50 year anniversary of plate tectonics the Geological Society developed Plate Tectonic Stories – an online resource that tells the story of 20 geological sites.

The resource shows how the UK and Ireland have been shaped by plate tectonic processes, and highlights other 'twin' sites across the world where similar processes and features can be observed.


Press Office

Contact for an enquiries or visit our News page for the latest Society news.