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A unique green-coloured solar flare flowing through sandy dunes.

Science Themes

Introducing our five strategic Science Themes

One of the Geological Society’s key strategic objectives is to “advance multidisciplinary Earth science to inform global issues”. To achieve this objective, the Society’s Science programme is underpinned by five core subject themes: 'Planetary Science', 'Geohazards, Geoengineering & Georesilience', 'Energy Transition', 'Digital Geoscience', and 'Climate & Ecology' 

These themes are the foundation of our events (e.g., conferences, workshops, webinars etc.) and training course programmes, and also inform our policy, outreach, and education work. Activities supported by the Society’s specialist groups, as well as various committees, are also aligned with the science themes. Each theme is led by one or more theme leads and supported by the Society’s Science team. 

view of the earth from the moon

Planetary Science

Understanding the origin and evolution of the Solar System is a key part of geoscience. A geological understanding of extra-terrestrial materials, the planets and rocky bodies, help us answer our biggest questions.

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Erupting Volcano

Geohazards, Geoengineering & Georesilience

Earth systems pose varied challenges and risks to humans and the natural environment. Geoscience-informed research and solutions can help to mitigate and address these risks and challenges.

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Aerial from industry in the Eemshaven Delftzijl in the Netherlands with wind turbines

Energy Transition

Innovative Earth Science research and techniques support the shift towards a low carbon economy and the supply of key resources. Geoscientists are well placed to support and educate relevant interested communities.

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view of mountain range in various colours from above

Digital Geoscience

The ongoing development of digital techniques for data collection, processing and visualisation are increasingly important to interdisciplinary geoscience research and practice.

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river winding through a forest

Climate & Ecology

Climate change is a defining issue for our time. The geological record details Earth’s varied climate history, which is highly relevant to understanding how it may change in the future.

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