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Groundwater in design and construction

The report will provide the basis for engineering assessment through development of conceptual, observational and analytical models that would be applicable to support those working with groundwater. The report will be based on world-wide experience in engineering geology of groundwater.


  1. Introduction and What is groundwater and why is it Important
  2. Groundwater problems
  3. Fundamentals of Groundwater Flow
  4. Engineering geological principles of groundwater
  5. Conceptual models
  6. Observational models
  7. Analytical models
  8. Groundwater control
  9. Design considerations for groundwater
  10. (Managing groundwater in) Engineering design and construction of surface works
  11. (Managing groundwater in) Engineering design and construction in subsurface works
  12. Groundwater Risk Management
  13. Appendix A Case histories
  14. Conclusions