History of Geology Group
The History of Geology Group (HOGG) is open to anyone with an interest in the history of geology, and the events and personalities that have shaped the way it is understood and practised today.
HOGG was inaugurated in October 1994 to encourage interest in the lives and work of those scientists and philosophers who influenced both the study and the practice of geology.
HOGG is affiliated to the Geological Society of London and the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO). HOGG is managed and run by a committee of its members.
Activities include an annual programme of online talks, seminars, conferences, field meetings, occasional workshops, a discussion forum, and a Twitter feed. An AGM is held each November.
HOGG produces GeoHistories for members – an illustrated biannual magazine with topical articles, regular features and accounts of history of geology events – and issues a regular Bulletin listing current events and items of interest to the history of geology community.
Also, HOGG encourages and supports the publication of scholarly papers and communications related to the history of geology, and these are produced from time to time.
HOGG represents and promotes the interests, study, and understanding of the history of geology nationally and internationally.
HOGG collaborates with a range of partner and cognate groups and organisations, in the UK and internationally, aimed at the curation, study and understanding of geology's heritage and archives. In addition to providing a means for Geological Society members to enjoy and share aspects of the history of geology, HOGG supports the Society by offering expertise relating to geo-historical heritage and archives and has been involved in a number of recent consultations relating to the Society's collections and archive material. HOGG members regularly contribute to 'outreach' activities with historical themes organised by the Geological Society.
HOGG's membership is drawn from people with a wide range of backgrounds and diversity of interests. It is not necessary to be a Fellow of the Geological Society to join HOGG and we positively welcome those with non-geological backgrounds. Membership costs only £20 per calendar year (UK), £25 per calendar year (Non-UK) or £10 (Young member, aged 30 or under).
To join HOGG, send an email to: historyofgeologygroup@gmail.com and simply type 'Membership' in the Subject and your name in the message. We will respond with straightforward joining instructions.
Membership runs from the date of acceptance of application. All renewals are due annually on 1 January. Members joining after 1 October in any year are not required to pay a subscription for the subsequent year.
Both categories of Ordinary member and Young member receive the HOGG Bulletin, two copies of GeoHistories magazine, free admission to our online meetings, reduced rates at all our other meetings and events, and enrolment on our JiscMail discussion list, where you can 'talk' (i.e type) to other like-minded individuals, get help with your research, or seek advice on matters relating to the history of geology.
Our events
HOGG's events programme includes regular Online Talks (one hour), Conferences, Symposia, Field Meetings, and occasional Workshops. To browse and register for upcoming events, please see the HOGG Events Registration webpage.
HOGG members can enjoy all online events at no cost and discounted registration rates for other events. Non-member guests can join activities for a small charge or the appropriate conference fee.
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HOGG Activities
Duncan Hawley
Andrew Hopkins