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Metamorphic Studies Group


 The Metamorphic Studies Group is a joint special interest group of the Geological Society (Registered Charity no. 210161) and the Mineralogical Society (Registered Charity no. 233706), who provide joint funding.

The Group aims to promote the study of metamorphism, metamorphic geology and metamorphic geochronology at all scales, from the molecular to the mountain belt.

Membership is open to members of either Society. Non-members are welcome to attend meetings, but may occasionally incur extra registration fees. The Group has representatives in almost every university Earth Sciences department in the UK, as well as many in Ireland and some in other European countries.

The Group holds an annual Research in Progress meeting, usually in March, at which contributions from postgraduate students are particularly encouraged. Other presentations of recent or ongoing work from the metamorphic community are also welcome.

Chemical map of symplectite 

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Owen Weller


Richard Palin


Barbara Kunz

Other members

Name  Position
Isabel Carter Student rep/ Webmaster
Thomas Lamont  Field trip rep
Anna Bidgood  EDI rep
Ralf Halama  Committee member 
Catherine Mottram  Committee member  
Freya George  Committee member 
Batzi Fischer  Committee member 
Ines Pereira
International rep 
Caroline Lotout  International rep 
Committee member