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Quaternary Research Association



The Quaternary Research Association is a research organisation interested in the last 2.6 million years of Earth's history (the Quaternary), which has witnessed exceptionally rapid climatic and environmental changes that continue to impinge upon an increasingly complex, yet vulnerable, human society.

Its membership of over 1200 includes archaeologists, botanists, civil engineers, geographers, geologists, soil scientists and zoologists. While the majority live in the UK, its membership is international, including most European countries, North America, Africa and Australasia; the pro-active support of student members is especially important.

The primary aim of the Association is to enhance awareness of the importance of the Quaternary period in the geological record of the UK, and elsewhere, by promoting research into the full range of Quaternary issues. It achieves this by holding regular scientific meetings (in the field and in 'conference' settings), by supporting original research projects through its grant schemes, by liaising on geoconservation matters with stakeholders, and by encouraging innovative outreach initiatives aimed at a non-academic audience.

Our Events

You can find details of upcoming meetings on our web pages at or in the latest Circular.

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QRA Activities



Prof Jane Hart


Professor David Roberts

Honorary Secretary

Dr Adrian Palmer