Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group

The VMSG exists to promote and advance the study of physical volcanology, igneous geochemistry and petrology, volcano geophysics and related subjects by:
- Stimulating wider interest in volcanic and magmatic processes
- Facilitating the exchange of information between members of the Group and with others working in similar fields of interest
- Convening meetings, workshops, seminars and field visits on themes of interest to Group members
- Publications
- Encouraging research, teaching and practical application
The minutes of the latest AGM may be found on the VMSG website.
Keep in touch
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VMSG student bursaries
The Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group runs two bursary schemes for student researchers to attend and present at conferences and international workshops. Bursaries are awarded up to a maximum of £500.
Our events
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Executive committee
Prof Tamsin Mather – University of Oxford
Dr Sami Mikhail – University of St Andrews
Dr Sebastian Watt
Ordinary members
Dr James Hickey (social media) – University of Exeter
Prof Jenni Barclay (newsletter) – University of East Anglia
Dr George Cooper (field trips) – University of Durham
Dr Jackie Kendrick (awards) – University of Liverpool
Dr Sam Engwell – British Geological Survey
Dr Mike Cassidy – University of Oxford
Jess Puggsley (student rep) – University of Aberdeen