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The Upper Library of the Geological Society of London, taken from an upstairs gallery looking down at table and chairs on a maroon carpet surrounded by book-lined shelves. Two bright glass chandeliers hang above the library.

The Library

The Geological Society Library houses one of the finest collections of geoscience literature in the world. We provide members and other users with a wealth of resources including rich historical archives, an unrivalled map collection and the latest scholarly research delivered straight to your device or desktop. Opening hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-5pm. Contact us:

A table in a library with a laptop showing a library catalogue, a mobile phone, an opened book and a page of writing with a pencil. Bookshelves in the background.

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Wooden drawers of a Library card catalogue

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A laptop with two hands typing on it, with a PC blurred in the background

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Extract from a geological map of Morocco, centred on Tahanaout, showing geological colouring in yellows, pinks, reds and browns.

The Map Room

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The Map Room
Detail of Index Testarum, black and white engraving showing five cherubs looking at shells

Archives & Special Collections

One of the greatest strengths of the Geological Society’s collections is its outstanding historical material which is available for consultation by Fellows and visitors

Archives and Special Collections
A 19th Century painting of Yellowstone National Park, with snow capped mountains in the distance, greener mountains and trees in the foreground, and the moon rising in the distance

Picture Library

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Picture Library
A composite image of Mary Anning, William Buckland, Janet Watson and William Smith, with extract from pleisosaur and 1815 geological map

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A close of of a marbled book cover with the words Library copy Not to Circulate

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