The Rare Book comprises approximately 3,500 books mostly published after 1800, but includes important earlier works dating back to the 16th century. The oldest item in the collection is Georg Agricola’s 'De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum' (1546), a work on the origins of ore deposits, whilst the most important probably is that same author's ‘De Re Metallica’ (1561), a summary of all mining knowledge from the late Middle Ages.
A large proportion of the collection came as part of the bequest of one of our founders, George Bellas Greenough (1778-1855), who studied on the continent – hence why around two thirds of the collection is in a European language. Other volumes were presented to the Society on publication by their authors (who were also Fellows), including such geological luminaries as Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, Georges Cuvier, William Buckland, Gideon Mantell and Roderick Impey Murchison.
Information for Researchers
The Rare Book collection is listed in the Library catalogue. Please contact the Library to arrange an appointment to view items from the collection.