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Data Resources

Free online data resources

BGS OpenGeoscience
A free geological data service offered by the British Geological Survey.  All data is free for use for non-commercial users.  Data includes maps, images, geological data, educational resources, geological reports and software.

Biodiversity Heritage Library
The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. The BHL portal provides free access to hundreds of thousands of volumes, comprising over 58 million pages, from the 15th-21st centuries.

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
The DDB is Germany’s central, national portal for culture and science, providing unrestricted access to millions of books, archived items, images, sculptures, pieces of music and other sound documents, as well as films and scores, from across Germany.

A free preprint service for the Earth sciences.

European Pollen Database
Fossil Pollen Database Viewer (FPD) is the principal way to access EPD data on this website. You can find sites and data by country or investigator or site name, or by locating them on a map. After selecting a site you can examine or download the data as well as some summary metadata.

Figshare is a non-subject-specific data repository where researchers, publishers and institutions can make their positive and negative research data available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner. There are ~13,000 earth science files on the system.

Gallica is the digital library of the National Library of France and its partners and includes over 6 million online documents.

The Geologist's Directory
Free to access website of the companies and the products serving the geoscience industry in the UK & Ireland. From geologists to consultants, products to specialist services - full contact details are provided, enabling quick and easy sourcing and searching of suppliers and services alike.

Global Volcanism Program
Database of volcanoes compiled by the Smithsonian Institution with descriptions of both ongoing and past volcanism around the world. It includes photographs and Weekly and Monthly Volcanic Activity Reports.

IPOL – Irish Pollen Database
IPOL is a collection of metadata of Irish Quaternary pollen sites. It is organised into a table with particulars on the location, chronology and a publication reference for each site. Site locations can also be viewed in Google Earth. IPOL does not hold pollen data, check the European Pollen Database or Neotoma for access to these.

Mineralogy Database
Information on over 4,442 individual mineral species, with a comprehensive image library and links to external sources of mineral data and information.

NERC Environmental Data Portal
The website allows you to search, combine and display environmental data from a wide group of providers. Once you have found your data you can overlay many layers and view them in either Google Earth or a web based map client. [Source: NERC Environmental Data Portal website]

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
Searchable databases and downloadable earthquake and seismic data.