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William Smith’s Maps – Interactive
An interactive database of digitised maps by William Smith. These include English county maps, geological sections, and versions of the map of England and Wales produced from 1815 onwards. It also contains information on William Smith, his maps, and the history of geological mapping.

Oxford Digital Library: Maps on the web
Out of copyright maps from Bodleian's Department of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts.

Spanish Geological Maps from IGME
Many geological maps of Spain from the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.

Geological Map of Poland without Cainozoic deposits 1:1 000 000 
Produced by Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny (Polish Geological Institute), Warsaw 2000

Mapa geologiczna Polski w skali 1:500 000 - Geological map of Poland
Produced by Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny (Polish Geological Institute),Warsaw 2006

Oklahoma Geological Survey
Several open access maps of geological quadrangles (many at 1:24,000), geologic provincesoil and gas fields  and coalfields (including coalbed-methane) in Oklahoma. 

Database of the Geologic Map of North America
The USGS 1:5,000,000 geological map covering all of North America as well as part of Central America, including offshore geology also. Downloadable in a variety of formats including GIS files.

Map Database for Surficial Materials in the Conterminous U.S. 
1:5,000,000 USGS map of 'surficial materials' of the USA in downloadable GIS format.

World Stress Map Project 
Downloadable database of 21,750 stress data records for the Earth's crust.

UK Onshore Geophysical LIbrary 
The archive and official releases of all 2D and 3D seismic data for the UK onshore.

An international initiative of the geological surveys of the world and a flagship project of the 'International Year of Planet Earth'. Its aim is to create dynamic geological map data of the world available via the web. [Source: OneGeology website]

The Mining Plans Portal
Provides data on historic mining and other underground operations including mine charts and diagrams.