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Library Services

Find out about Visiting the Library, Loan and Copying services, Database Searches and Library Tours & Training

The Upper Library of the Geological Society of London, tables and chairs on a maroon carpet surrounded by book-lined shelves and green pillars

Visiting the Library

Visit the Library in Burlington House - information for Fellows, Student Members, other Societies, and non-members

Visiting the Library
Six books piled one of top of the other, showing coloured edges of spines and covers against a grey background

Loans and Copying Services

Borrow items in person or by post, request article scans, or order an inter-library loan

Find out more
Logo of the GeoRef database

Database Searches

Request a database search and we'll provide you with focused lists of references for your research

Database Searches
A group of six students in a grand room hung with portraits, looking at a geological map of Cornwall on a table

Library Tours & Training

Get to know your Library with one of our tours for members, or join an online training session

Library Tours & Training