This service is available to all Fellows, Student Members and employees of Corporate Patron companies. Most books, journals and maps are available for loan. Members may send someone to collect books on their behalf by prior arrangement.
Loan entitlements
- Fellows and Student members: up to 10 books/journals and 10 maps
- Corporate Patrons: up to 15 books/journals and 15 maps
Postal loans
Items can be sent by post anywhere in the UK and Ireland. We use Royal Mail and items can be posted by First Class or Special Delivery (there are some items which must be sent Special Delivery). We ask that you return the cost of postage, for which we will email an invoice.
Email library@geolsoc.org.uk to request items by post.
The loan period is 4 weeks. Loans can be renewed for an unlimited number of 4 week periods for up to 1 year, provided they are not required by another reader.
Please email library@geolsoc.org.uk to renew your items.
Please note: Library material may not be taken abroad or lent to others.
Copying service
The Library can provide Fellows, student members, Friends, Corporate Patrons and non-members with physical (by post) and digital (emailed PDF) copies of articles for non-commercial research, and physical copies for commercial research.
Non-commercial/private research
Please complete and submit the Copy Request Form for Non-Commercial Copies, which must be completed in advance of copies being supplied, to comply with copyright regulations. A separate form is required for each article requested. Please email library@geolsoc.org.uk should you have any questions.
Commercial research
Please email your request to library@geolsoc.org.uk.
The Library can provide both non-commercial and commercial (UK only) copies for non-members. Please contact the Library via library@geolsoc.org.uk before placing a request.
Fellows/student members/Friends/Corporate Patrons: £5.00 per article
Non-members: £10.00 per article
Please note some articles may incur an additional charge depending on length. We would contact you regarding charges before proceeding.
Request an Article
Online Request FormInter-library loans
Information for Members
Items not held by the Library may be obtained for Fellows, Student Members, Friends and employees of Corporate Patrons via our inter-library loan service.
Photocopies/electronic copies
For private research, please contact us via the Document Request Form
For commercial research, please submit requests via library@geolsoc.org.uk
Please send loan request to library@geolsoc.org.uk
Electronic delivery of a digital copy: £8.00 + VAT
Electronic delivery of a copy from print: £15.10 + VAT
Paper copy by post (UK delivery): £16.60 + VAT
Paper copy by post (Overseas delivery): £17.10 + VAT
Loan by post (UK delivery): £21.60
Loan by post (Overseas delivery): £29.90
Loan renewal: £7.25
Information for other libraries
The Library will supply libraries worldwide with copies (PDF or paper).
Items can be posted on loan to UK and Irish libraries.
Please contact us for further information: library@geolsoc.org.uk