The Library is located in Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG
Burlington House is open Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-5pm. It is not necessary for members to make an appointment, however if making a special trip or if there is specific material you require we recommend letting us know you are coming in advance.
Non-members and Archive visitors must make an appointment.
Please email library@geolsoc.org.uk

Who can Visit the Library?
Geological Society Members:
- Fellows and Student Members
- Employees of Corporate Patron companies (proof of employment required)
- Friends of the Geological Society
Members of the following organisations (proof of membership required):
- Courtyard Societies (Linnean Society, Royal Academy of Arts, Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, Society of Antiquaries)
- Geological Association of Canada
- Geological Society of America
- Institute of Geologists of Ireland
- Institution of Materials Mining and Metallurgy
- Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
The Library's collections can be consulted by non-members for a charge of £25 per day (£15 after 1pm). Concessions (Students/Retired/Unwaged): £10.00. Please email library@geolsoc.org.uk for more information.
Become a Friend of the Society for £54 a year and enjoy unlimited access to the Library - find out more

What you'll find
- Comfortable and quiet study space
- Extensive collections for browsing
- Scanning and copying facilities
- GeoRef database
- Staff assistance
- The Map Room
- Free WiFi
- Free Tea & Coffee
Using the Archives
The Archivist is available to welcome researchers who wish to consult the archive collections, including non-members (free of charge).
Please email archivist@geolsoc.org.uk for further details.
Visiting the William Smith map
William Smith's 1815 geological map is displayed in the Society's entrance hall and can be viewed Tuesday-Thursday, 9.30am-5pm.Please enquire at Reception. No appointment is necessary. Find out more