Acknowledgements and bibliography
Thanks to Duncan Hawley, Peter Lincoln and Tom Sharpe who generously shared their knowledge and research for this exhibition.
PRIMARY SOURCES- Berger, Jean F, “Mineralogical Account of the Isle of Man”, Transactions of the Geological Society, vol 2 (1814), pp.29-65
- Englefield, Henry C and Thomas Webster, ‘A description of the principal picturesque beauties, antiquities, and geological phenomena, of the Isle of Wight’. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. ... for Payne and Foss (1816).
- Farey, John, “Observations on the priority of Mr Smith’s investigations of the strata of England”, Philosophical Magazine’, vol XLV (1815), pp 333-345.
- Field, George, ‘Chromatics or, An essay on the analogy and harmony of colours’, London: Printed for the author, by A. J. Valpy (1817).
- Geikie, Archibald and Roderick I Murchison, ‘Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison Bart. ...’, London: John Murray (1875).
- Geological Society Council, minute books, 1810-1876. Archive ref: GSL/CM/1/1-10
- Geological Society Council, annual reports, 1810-1820. Archive ref: GSL/CM/6/1
- Geological Society Map Committee minute books, 1839-1883. Archive ref: GSL/COM/MA/1-3
- Geological Society Ordinary Meeting minute book, 1807-1818. Archive ref: GSL/OM/1/1
- Geological Survey. ‘Copy of the First Index of Colours’, (1834). [accessed 13 Jan 2023]
- Geological Survey. ‘Index to the colours and signs employed in the Geological Survey of Great Britain for Wales, the Midland Southern and Western Counties of England’. (1856) [accessed 13 Jan 2023]
- Greenough, G B, Rough account book on the sales of the 1st edition of the Geological Map of England & Wales, 1820-1832. Archive ref: LDGSL/947/5/1/3.
- Greenough, George B, 'A geological map of England and Wales', 1st edn, London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, (1819/1820). Archive ref: LDGSL/979A/1.
- Greenough, George B, ‘Memoir of a geological map of England: to which are added, an alphabetical index to the hills, and a list of the hills arranged according to counties’, London: Published under the direction of the Geological Society; by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (1820).
- Greenough, George B, 'A geological map of England and Wales', 2nd edn, London: The Geological Society of London (1839/1840). Archive ref: LDGSL/979A/2.
- Greenough, George B, ‘Memoir of a geological map of England; to which is added, an alphabetical index to the hills, and a list of the hills arranged according to counties’, 2nd edn, London: Sold at the apartments of the Geological Society (1840).
- Greenough, George B, 'Geological map of England & Wales by ... (on the basis of the original map of Wm. Smith 1815) revised and improved under the superintendence of a Committee of the Geological Society of London from the maps of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, 1836-63, and maps and documents contributed by Sir R.I. Murchison, Professor Phillips, Joseph Prestwich, R. Godwin Austen, and others', 3rd edn, London: Geological Society of London (1865). Archive ref: LDGSL/979A/3.
- Griffith, Richard J, ‘Geological and mining survey of the Connaught coal district in Ireland’, Dublin: Graisberry and Campbell (1818).
- Griffith, Richard J and Thomas A Larcom, 'A general map of Ireland to accompany the report of the Railway Commissioners shewing the principal physical features and geological structure of the country', Dublin; London: Hodges & Smith (1855).
- Hamilton, William J, “Anniversary Address”, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol 21 (1865), lv-lvii.
- Home, Everard, “An account of some fossil remains of the rhinoceros, discovered by Mr. Whitby, in a cavern inclosed in the lime-stone rock, from which he is forming the Break water at Plymouth”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol 107 (1817) pp176-182.
- Irton, Edward, on vitreous tubes in “Extracts from the Minute Book of the Geological Society", Transactions of the Geological Society of London January 1821, S1-5 (1821), pp617-618.
- Jameson, Robert, 'Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles; with mineralogical observations made in a tour through different parts of the mainland of Scotland...', Edinburgh: Printed by C. Stewart & Co. for B. White & Son ... London; and W. Creech, Edinburgh (1800).
- Jameson, Robert, “On colouring geognostical maps”, Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, vol 1 (1808-1810), pp149-161.
- MacCulloch, John, "On a peculiar Disposition of the Colouring Matters in a Schistose Rock", [1812] Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series 1, Volume 4 (1817), pp399-400
- MacCulloch, John, ‘A description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man: comprising an account of their geological structure…’, Edinburgh; London: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. ... ; and Hurst, Robinson, and Co (1819).
- Sharpe, Daniel, “Anniversary Address of the President” [Greenough obituary], Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol 12 (1856), xxvi-xxxiv.
- Smith, William, 'A delineation of the strata of England and Wales with part of Scotland...', London: John Cary (1815).
- Smith, William ‘Geological map of Wiltshire’, London: John Cary (1819).
- Weaver, Thomas, “Memoir on the Geological Relations of the East of Ireland”, Transactions of the Geological Society of London, S1-5 (1821), pp117-304.
- Winch, Nathaniel, "Observations on the Geology of Northumberland and Durham", Transactions of the Geological Society of London. S1-4 (1817), pp1-101
- Bate, David, “GBG’s influence on the colours employed on early Geological Survey maps”, Geohistories, no.72, Oct 2021, p11.
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- Cook, Karen S, "From false starts to firm beginnings: early colour printing of geological maps", Imago mundi: the international journal for the history of cartography, vol 47 (1995), pp155-171.
- Hawley, Duncan, Foreword to the reproduction of the 1st edition of George Bellas Greenough’s ‘Geological map of England and Wales’, British Geological Survey [2020].
- Hawley, Duncan, “George Bellas Greenough – a short biography”, Geohistories, no.72, Oct 2021, pp5-6.
- Herries Davies, Gordon L, ‘Sheets of many colours: the mapping of Ireland's rocks 1750-1890’, Dublin: Royal Dublin Society, (1983)
- Rudwick, Martin, "Hutton and Werner Compared: George Greenough's geological tour of Scotland in 1805", British Journal for the History of Science, vol 1 (1962), pp117-135.
- Rudwick, Martin, “The Foundation of the Geological Society of London: its scheme for co-operative research and its struggle for independence”, British Journal for the History of Science, vol 1 (1963), pp325-355.
- Sharpe, Tom, “The production and distribution of the map & a history of later editions”, presented at the HOGG Conference: The Geological Society’s Map: understanding George Bellas Greenough and his 1820 map project”, 12 May 2021.
- Torrens, Hugh S, ‘John Farey’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, published 10 February 2022.
- Wyatt, John F, “George Bellas Greenough: a Romantic geologist”, Archives of Natural History, vol 22 (1995), pp61-71.